Acum zece luni, un pachet de redări cu aspect inteligent a creat scena pentru un concept sălbatic și ambițios – Astăzi este adevărata afacere, plutitoare și zburătoare. Și, punând teoria în practică, acest foiler pentru barcă cu chilă proiectat de Mark Mills a declanșat o întrebare importantă, este acesta începutul foilării offshore? Pentru a afla, aruncăm o privire atentă la primele probe de navigație ale Flying Nikka și vorbim cu Mark Mills despre cum au decurs primele zile și ce ne rezervă viitorul. De asemenea, aruncăm o privire la evenimentul de deschidere din Bermuda pentru Sail GP Sezonul 3 și ne întrebăm, printre altele, de ce marile arme nu funcționează. Și în timp ce vorbim despre foile, aruncăm o privire la modul în care o singură mișcare ar fi putut schimba jocul pentru windsurferii olimpici și, eventual, pentru toți ceilalți de pe o ploaie zburătoare. În plus, kiwi-ii își scot iahtul de teren pentru prima dată din șopron și își încep cursele de testare a vitezei în Auckland. Și încă mai sunt, o nouă echipă IMOCA este anunțată pentru The Ocean Race și Dee Caffari ne povestește despre noul ei proiect cu mâna scurtă, plus că există un nou proiect de construire a bărcilor Lego și o altă dublă ajutor de la Docktalk. Episodul 19 Conținut și link-uri 00:00 Început 00:40 Flying Nikka 15:30 First Foiling Tack 16:56 Docktalk partea 1 20:09 SailGP Bermuda Analysis 23:53 ETNZ record de viteză pe uscat 29:04 Noua echipă IMOCA pentru TOR 31:48 Docktalk partea a 2-a 35:50 Dee Caffari – Un nou proiect 46:01 Lego Comanche Docktalk links 16:56 L30 17:58 BRYD41 18:57 Aeolus P45 31:48 Cyclops 32:49 Robline 33:50 Bavaria C48: Sailcloth 33:50 Contender: Sport SailGP – Sezonul 3 – Repere Bermude Campanie de finanțare publică Lego Comanche Facebook – Site – .uk Twitter – matthewsheahan Linkedin –
Lansat – Flying Nikka – OnCourse Episodul 19
38 thoughts on “Lansat – Flying Nikka – OnCourse Episodul 19”
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Mathew: if there’s a top caliber journalist coupled with the best sailing reviews maker, that’s definitely you man. We sooo much enjoy your scripts in your reviews.
The Beneteau FIRST 36 was released a while ago and it’s such a revolution! Weight-saving wise and superb Italian decor inside, thanks to Lorenzo Argento. And the better news: Soon this summer, the Beneteau FIRST 44 will be released and tested too, and showcased in the coming Cannes festival.
We wonder: which one will you cover 🤔🤔
Really hope you can see both 🤩🤩🤩
You’re the best Sheahan 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Ese atuendo me vuelve loco loco contigo y tienes ese cuerpo curvilíneo, hiciste un buen trabajo modelándolo también. También me gusta el último atuendo. Me encantaz cómo los cinturones de liga se.
love the updates on everything sailing
Another great digest.. thanks Matt.
Fantastic job, Matt. Love the diversity of your stories! And it doesn't seem fair to pair Shirley Robertson and Dee Cafari on a 2 hander. That is some serious yachting cred!
Thanks Matt! 🤝👍🏻
Just a heads up, the foiling windsurfer brand is Starboard, and the class of board is an IQ Foil. Thanks for your great content. 👍
great& enjoyable $$$$$…..deeeeeep.
Matt, you are the David Attenborough of sailing. Much love from Seattle.
Hwy Matt, thanks for sharing our unique LEGO projects! 😁
The next project is already under construction. It is a completely different yacht. ⛵️
Excellent show once again great content. From Downunder.⛵️⛵️⛵️
Too many thinly veiled infomercials. Sponsored content should be clearly identified.
Thank you for all the informative and interesting news from the sailing industry! Thank you for sharing our project! 46:01😄⛵
Hi Matt looking Good David B
Great video!
If you are interested in a LEGO model, you can send us an e-mail.
The foiler looks slow…
Let us get back to normal sailing with a team not locked into a cockpit and real men sailing. This crap of computers controlling the boat is not the road ahead!
In a couple of the motorsports they call the time when team/sponsor/racer realign the 'silly season'
Impressive I must say a long way before it’s practical
Very interesting episode!
Up to you of course, but I (and so presume many others) are so used to 15 min or so pieces on YouTube that you might find it hard to get that many subs watching to the end. I know I know … sometimes you have to roll with it though! Great material perhaps it could be chuckled into single topic items as well for those similarly afflicted with short atten- what? Thanks!
I don't know where you got a 100,000 approval rating from when far less people watch these videos and certainly not > 100,000 comment on them. This stuff is really boring, especially for anyone acquainted with the far more complex sport of sailing (i.e. in the water). All this boring, technical engineering spiel now has replaced skills on the water. I had to skip most of it.
Evolution in design is challenging. Right now, the tech may not seem affordable but, as time goes by, new designs, new manufacturing methods, new….. Who knows what? It could be something no one expects.
Jukes vern, 80 days was extreme 30 years ago. Now mono hulls do the same in under 60, solo.
Exploring practical applications. How far can it sail? Could they be coastal couriers or shipping.
There's racing and there's sailing. When I watch racing, I like to see spectacular things: machines, teams, equipment, course, etc. And this is what's finally happening! Congrats. 😎
Nice! Those P-3 Orion just chillin in the background 25:31 which are VERY clean examples of a 40+ year old aircraft!
Loved today's show! So much diverse information; that's nice. Would have scored 10 out of 10 if there was also content about wooden boats!. Keep up the good work. Cheers from Texas!
Currently the record circumnavigation time is just under 41 days. What do people think the new record might be?
Who actually invented the claw shaped hydro foil?
Please how do we bring these crazy machines to my sailing world! I mean 30knots! How fun would it be to pass a gas pusher on the ocean, it’s like a dream…hoping when I retire they found a more simpler version that I could buy, dreams dreams dreams
How far out the arms are in the foiling off shore boat are when the come up on a wave on the down side while balancing that with putting the arm in the water is very likely and will turn the boat up Aggressively. Any thoughts?
Shirley needs to respect the idea of bow down in offshore sailing but man the complementary of those two legends we might see some stuff that is absolutely groundbreaking
Just love how you love all sail racing from sail boards to the latest fast design of any class or development.. killing it.
Hi Mark another fantastic project from you pencil. I love your sailboat
Beautifully presented news of all that is happening in the sport of sailing!
I love sailing and technology, foiling is the pinnacle but my concern is the loud cavitation noise and how it might effect sea life. Military ultrasound has been known to deafen whales and cause beaching. How do loud foils compare? Should there be sonic Db level max as a regulation requirement. Also am concerned about high speed collisions with marine life.