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Tur de iaht modern de 60.000 USD DEZVĂLUIREA NOEI NOASTRE BARCI!
30 thoughts on “Tur de iaht modern de 60.000 USD DEZVĂLUIREA NOEI NOASTRE BARCI!”
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Finally we are here!! What a journey it has been! Thank you all for following along and cheering us on. If you think we did a good job hit that thumbs up on the video 👍
Proud of you guys ,loved watching the progress and you guys are funny to watch, do you need a deckhand
don't ever stop buying bikini's….😉
Looks Baller!
You guys are the most fun of the boat upgrade vloggers! Great job done!
Great job. The finished job looks amazing and will be so much better for comfort while sailing.
The boat looks maaavelous! WELL DONE! The great lines of BS play well off your "straight woman". One thing, the push latches might reset with a hard tack and allow the trash hamper to open.
WOW 👏👏👏 GREAT JOB. It looks soo minimalistic. All touch and slide. Most importantly easy clean. Easy access. Light. Its pretty damn badass. GOOD JOB LARRY LAMINADO AND KIRSTEN 🙌💪
The refit journey has been fabulous entertainment and you have done very well so be proud of it. Looking forward to watching your sailing adventures and for being so down to earth 👏👏👏
You guys did a great job
Nice work! It looks great!
I really expected about 4-10 times you would give up and light a match to it but you hung in through the tough times and should be so proud or yourselves. Those who persevere will overcome. Well done!!!
Boat looks great, you should be proud of yourselves. Looking forward to your accounting episode.
Youssef yacht more like it
I see a chip already on the edge of your steps. I fear it will get more and more chipped. I was thinking maybe some aluminum grate steps, on hinges to flip up?, might look really cool. Or maybe a rubber that wraps around the step edges to protect the edges. I mean just a rectangle piece centered on each step that covers most of it but leaves a few inches of the angled sides exposed. Or, maybe just a piece of trim or aluminum angle. I like all the no trim edges but the two steps could be an exception. I keep thinking two aluminum grate steps would look so badass and take a beating no problem. It would contrast so well with the wood veneer and match your other metal hardware.
All I can says is it looks fantastic great job.
Hi what a great looking boat, you both put a lot of hard work and time fitting your boat out and should be proud of what you have done. Nick
Thank you guys! We love ya’ll. Y’all are the reason we plan on retirement on a boat! You ever think about bringing viewers with you on a trip??? I totally want to catch lobster and eat it!
I’m still struggling as to why you waited till the last to show the washing machine you bought before remodeling!!!
Oh! 1 more thing!!!!! When is the maiden voyage???
Amazing… you two did a great job. You definitely have so much to be proud of. Wow wow wow. Love the channel. You guys rock.
I think the issue is not the engine getting hot but fuel/oil leaks/spills and sparks from anything shorting out like wires or alternator. Basically, anything that causes a small fire could turn into a massive fire with all that foam fuel nearby. I'm thinking some welders mats cut to cover the foam and that might add the extra sound dampening you want. Or maybe wrap the foam pieces like cushions with of some silver fire proof material.
Put diesel on the foam and light it…
I've said it before but it warrants saying again. Incredible!
I'm not a sailor but I have spent a lifetime doing not dissimilar DiY projects and I am still in awe of what the two of you have achieved. Most of us know what it is like to move into a new-to-us house and have to live with skanky cupboards covered in previous owners' detritus and worse, old heating boilers that don't work and walls with twenty layers of peeling wallpaper. That old boat was your equivalent of those houses. Now it is bright, it is clean, it's modern and it's beautiful. I hope it brings you much happiness and repays you many times over for the love and attention you have lavished on it. Well done guys.
You did an amazing job on this boat!! I'm so impressed!!!!
When you check out the temp for engine room, don't forget the GLUE FLASH POINT.
Nice job , get it out on a sea trial…
Excemplary job remodeling boat! liked your demonstration with foam, but as you know the foam stands up to heat, but if it does burn it gives off toxic fumes and not good for soundproofing. I would go with fiberglass insulation R-13 or better, with foil backing.
I got another one Matt you can actually drive in forward not in reverse always
Boat looks wonderful. Looking forward to seeing you guys sailing it again. We need solar details. Incoming and outgoing watts as well as any electronics you have running on the boat, Thanks and have fun!!!
Fantastic job guys!! Love all the refit. You both enjoy your labor and we hope to meet you on the water someday!!