Abonați-vă la The World Sailing Show: http://bit.ly/WorldSailingShowSub 00:47 În jurul recordurilor mondiale 05:50 Star Sailors League 12:12 Volvo Ocean Race Etapa 3 și 4 19:15 Rolex Sydney Hobart Cât de repede poate cineva persoană navighează în jurul lumii? Anul trecut credeam că știm, dar 12 luni mai târziu, când Francois Gabart a doborât recordul anterior, lumea navigației și-a tras respirația. A fost aceasta limita supremă pentru provocarea supremă? Pentru a afla, ne-am uitat la istoria dobândirii recordului mondial și am vorbit în exclusivitate cu Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, primul om care a navigat singur, non-stop, în jurul lumii despre cum au trecut vremurile și ce urmează. În plus, mergem la Nassau în Bahamas pentru a asista la o victorie extraordinară, deoarece cei mai buni din lume concurează într-o confruntare a campionilor. De asemenea, revizităm epuizanta cursă Volvo Ocean Race, în timp ce cariera flotei trece prin Oceanul de Sud înainte de a parca în Pacific. În plus, aruncăm o privire asupra controverselor din cursa Rolex Sydney Hobart.
The World Sailing Show – februarie 2018
20 thoughts on “The World Sailing Show – februarie 2018”
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Thank you! Great update. Sad for Vestas, prayers for the loss of a life. Will Vestas continue or has she retired from the race?
great update, these are getting better and better
I realize there’s an investigation underway but it would be ‘nice ‘ to get some insight into how a fully manned Volvo boat could apparently knife into a fishing boat at full speed. I’m a former professional seaman (British merchant navy and Canadian Coast Guard) and in my experience these kinds of collisions usually means that the fishing boat had gear out and couldn’t/wouldn’t give way and Vestas didn’t realize this until too late – but they must have intended to run pretty close
It's disappointing that Volvo race organisers have said nothing about Vestas apart from a brief statement. We have seen nothing of repairs and don't know if and when they will race, pretty poor treatment of the fans that follow the race….
Just get on a plane and fly there.
Knox Johnson first and most famous solo circumnavigator? I think Joshua Slocum might have got there a few years ahead of him.
Fuck these rich people….
Imagine going that speed and hitting a breaching gray whale.
English voice over announcers are always so well spoken.
I don't even consider this real sailing.
Joshua Slocum was the first…
well suzi mmmmm very lovely very willin very special
…. tiene talento,debe ser más agresiva y estratégica,si de verdad quiere ganar
Jesus can change ur life bro <3
God.. a woman driver on water…
I belong to the Sea.
Wouldn’t you just live to sail with Susy Goodall?
Well it's just bloody stupid wearing black offshore sailing gear for sponsorship reasons. Safety first out there and these experienced sailors should know better!
I wanted to see this, but the horrible music made me give up after 5 minutes.