O căutare majoră continuă pentru 6 persoane, inclusiv magnatul tehnologic britanic Mike Lynch și fiica sa în vârstă de 18 ani, care sunt încă dispărute după ce un iaht de lux s-a scufundat în largul Siciliei în timpul unei tornade ciudate. Un Joe Biden plin de lacrimi a primit o ovație uriașă la Convenția Democrată de la Chicago, în timp ce ținea un discurs de rămas bun foarte emoționant. Transmis pe 20/08/24 Transmiteți în direct Good Morning Britain, în fiecare zi a săptămânii de la ora 6:00 pe ITVX 📲 http://daytimelink.itv.com/WatchGMBYT Abonați-vă acum pentru mai multe! http://bit.ly/1NbomQa Like, urmăriți și abonați-vă la Good Morning Britain! Canalul YouTube Good Morning Britain vă oferă știrile despre care vă treziți dimineața. De la interviuri exclusive cu unele dintre cele mai mari nume din politică și showbiz până la povești de interes uman și momente de neratat. Alăturați-vă Susannei Reid, Ed Balls, Kate Garraway, Richard Madeley, Charlotte Hawkins și Sean Fletcher în fiecare zi a săptămânii pe ITV, de la 6:00 la 9:00 în fiecare zi a săptămânii! ITVX: http://daytimelink.itv.com/WatchGMBYT Site: http://bit.ly/1GsZuha YouTube: http://bit.ly/1Ecy0g1 Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1HEDRMb Twitter: http://bit.ly/1xdLqU3 http://www.itv.com #GMB #mikelynch #yacht #joebiden #știri
Căutare în curs după scufundarea unui iaht de lux în Sicilia

34 thoughts on “Căutare în curs după scufundarea unui iaht de lux în Sicilia”
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i wasnt gripped couldnt give a toss
Or revenge?
not fit to stand trial,wonder why is he fit to run tje government?…obaiden ios just a "media creation".to gjve allowance to cheating!
That mast looks like it would break if you sneeze heavily into its direction
Very sad tragic disasters nature 😢 😞 😔 💔 😪 😕 😢 😞 😔 💔 😪 😕 😢 😞 😔 💔 😪 😕 😢 😞 😔 💔 is impossible to controlled take warning ⚠️ 😀 😉 👍 😄 😊 ⚠️ 😀 😉 👍 😄 😊 ⚠️ 😀 😉 👍 😄 😊 ⚠️ 😀 😉 👍 in bad weather 😀 😉 👍 😄 ❤️ 😊 😀 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤amazing mom saves her baby 👶 😀 😉 ❤️ 😄 👍 👶 😀 😉 ❤️ 😄 👍 👶 😀 😉 ❤️ 😄 👍 she a hero 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢so sad for the ones missings .
There were others on that boat. Not just a billionaire.
I only think of the Genocide in Gaza.
No way do I think of the Wealthy who fuel the Self Gene of the Capitalism.
I sniff Foul Play,weather can be Manipulated.
Was he a Conservative??😮
"Completely unrelated freakish accidents"…yeah…
It's so mean comments on this thread
Close the doors, maybe wrong design
It’s unbelievable the resources being directed in this rescue/salvage operation compared to any migrant rescue operation.
Just to explain water spouts. Think of squirting. 😌 Also Kwesi put a plum in his mouth from his days in govt. And simply forgot to remove it. 🙄
Hope they all get found safe
Is it just me or does anyone else not feel bad when billionaires kick the bucket..
Well at least they weren't important
They changed it where I live. Used to be glass/cardboard together. With paper seperate + other things. But they've decided that there should be a box for paper/cardboard now. What I do is 1 side glass the other paper/cardboard & they take it thankfully. 7 boxes is EXCESSIVE.
No one cares
Rest in peace🙏🏾🥺
Quit the bs on climate change..been happening long before man.
Sounds like some incredibly wealthy and disgruntled people wanted them dead tbh.
Weather forecast had announced it, and nobody was at sea but them…quite odd I would say.
What a nasty nasty show this is and the comments are senseless.
Straight up lie about climate change, no evidence for climate change never mind linking it to weather events. These people are daft as brushes but dangerous
Is there anyone else alive out of this group is there a connection
On the Bayesian were emergency lights on battery and an alarm system on battery which could be heard by all in the different cabins.
They died for lack of communication? No SOS, no May day, May day!
She was sleeping on the deck w her baby during the storm???
Why does the host keep interrupting her guests!!?
That isn't him, people.
Honestly it is ridiculous that the spiders needed to be blurred out…. The was a warning mentioned, yet still it’s all blurred out….
I am curious to know what they look like and how big of a spider are they?
Someting smells fishy here