Am început chiar cu primele noastre proiecte pe imensa noastră navă din oțel veche de 72 de ani din șantierul naval. Eram încă destul de încrezători că putem ajunge înapoi în apă într-o săptămână. Din păcate, curtea a avut vești proaste pentru noi. După spălarea sub presiune ne-au spus că avem o mare problemă cu carena noastră. Există mici gropi peste tot corpul. Probabil cauzată de electroliză. Ce dezastru! Este posibil să reparați această daune masive? Putem salva nava? Și de ce s-a întâmplat asta? Să aflăm! —————————— Videoclipuri recomandate: Căutăm o scurgere: Galeria noastră oribilă: Cartea recomandată: Ghidul Boatownerului de coroziune: https :// * Link-urile cu * sunt link-uri afiliate. —————————— Aflați mai multe despre noi: doar pentru a vă oferi o imagine de ansamblu despre ce este vorba despre acest canal. Am cumpărat acest trauler masiv din oțel. Care odată a fost o navă înaltă. Pe termen lung, intenționăm să o transformăm înapoi într-o goeletă. Perioada de timp pentru aceasta va fi de 5 până la 10 ani. Deci avem o călătorie lungă. Dar deja folosim această navă drept casă. Așa că vă puteți aștepta la videoclipuri despre proiecte, despre călătorii și despre locuința într-un refit plutitor. —————————— Când așteptați următorul videoclip, vă recomandăm următoarele canale YouTube: Sampson Boat Co Sailing Magic Carpet Acorn To Arabella My First Boat Sail Life Project Brupeg Sailing Uma Teulu Tribe Ship Happens Sailing Yaba RAN Sailing SAILCARGO INC. Proiect de restaurare Aurora —————————— Echipamentul nostru: Măștile noastre: semi-mască 3M 7502 * 3M semi-mască 6100 3AEEYQj * Polizor unghiular: Metabo WEV 15-125 Rapid: * Cărți utile: Manual mecanic și electric pentru Boatowners * Ghidul Boatownerului pentru Coroziune: https://* Link-urile cu * sunt link-uri afiliate.
Asta e rău! Chiar Foarte RĂU!!! | Reinstalarea Flying Coney Ep. 22
19 thoughts on “Asta e rău! Chiar Foarte RĂU!!! | Reinstalarea Flying Coney Ep. 22”
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Proper ultrasonic testing should have been included in a survey. Electrolysis can and does happen in fresh water–stray currents are everywhere now days. This is not an impossible project, but it's huge. You will need a very large team of volunteers to complete the task you have set for yourself. Smooth sailing.
I love your channel! It's so refreshing not to have to fast forward past bikini shots to get to the boat content! Great content and informatively presented. Good luck!
I am sorry for you. However the rewards in life are from not giving up and overcoming adversities. Stay strong.
Sand blast the lot, u will know where u stand
Hi guys $5000 EUROS is big money. I’m a code welder my hour rate is $80~$120.00 Australian. For work like yours $80 a hour max ,it’s a low skill level welding job and most likely they have a3 or 4th year apprentice doing the work. You have every right to ask about the qualification of the person welding. Have all work fix quotes if possible when they can’t be really clear on getting per hour rate and key your own tally of hours worked. Good luck with this type of rebuild do it once and don’t cut corners on the structural side it will save you loads down the track
Hello to you both,I am sorry to see that you have inherited so many faults.Looking at your hull I wonder what would happen if it where Grit blasted.I wish you well fir the future and will continue to watch with interest.cheers Roly 🇬🇧.
That's quite a dissapointment, hope there aren't too many holes to be fixed by the yard. I was in Urk the 16th and had a quick peek at your ship and made some selfies 😄 but as there was nobody around, I didn't dare to enter the yard for a closer look. Sandblasting would be a good idea after all the welding work, but for that you probably need another yard as it's a messy process…
Admit defeat and get out while you can….
You guys are going to get past this and your boat will be better for it. It’ll be worth it in the end. Keep strong.
The ship had been moored where there was lots of free flowing electrical in and around the marina and your vessel was the sacrificial zinc.
Sad to say but if it was a horse, I'd shoot it.
I'm guessing IF ya put a sand blaster to the hull you might not have much left🤔 … Think I'd cut out a small piece for a wall plaque and turn the rest into a reef.. but that's just me.
Wow that’s overwhelming you guys are brave 💯👍
Best of luck with the boat. It always looks worse before it gets better. Hang in there.
You kids need to watch project brupeg and SV seeker. Move the boat in the yard to where you can work on it and start learning to do all the things like welding and everything yourself you have a metal boat you're going to need to learn to weld. Get her sand blasted and I bet you find more holes
Again get her sandblasted what you did right now with the welding was just a Band-Aid
As owners of a crusty steel boat, I think it is an essential skill to be able to weld. I would recommend signing up for some basic welding classes and go get a really good multi-process welding machine to go with your needle scaler and grinder. You will wind up doing a lot of welding and being prepared for that is going to make a lot of difference how much it costs you to keep your boat afloat and how stressful each new problem is.
Is it just me or..checking the thickness of the hull is something that needs to be done before buying the ship….
Ruf Welding 🙈