Învins de o furtună atlantică! Contessa 26 până la locul de muncă?

Învins de o furtună atlantică! Contessa 26 până la locul de muncă?

Casa de navigație Contessa 26 se confruntă cu o furtună în Atlantic.. ce să facă în continuare? Green Tambourine, în drum spre casă la Cardiff de la Jester Azores Challenge 24 , întâlnește o furtună în ocean. Care este cel mai bun și mai sigur lucru de făcut? Pe măsură ce navigăm spre nord de Terceira, observ primele semne de vreme rea, situația se deteriorează încet până când trebuie luată o decizie la 200 de mile. Ce ai fi făcut? Anunțați-mă mai jos.. Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCzx7NtTAcr9s2C3CJiv7w/join Urmărește întreaga provocare Jester aici: https://www.youtube.com/playlist ?list=PLZCvVhEwq-eZluQHhMFWvmKpoP0lGI40f Dacă vă place conținutul meu, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să deveniți membru, – faceți clic pe butonul Alăturați-vă de mai sus, nu este costisitor și veți avea acces anticipat la videoclipuri și multe altele și mă veți ajuta să îl înlocuiesc Capota de pulverizare teribil de mizerabilă (Dodger în SUA!)


47 thoughts on “Învins de o furtună atlantică! Contessa 26 până la locul de muncă?

  1. I loved this video. I have spent most of my life working in aviation and what makes a good pilot is the ability to make the right decision even when it’s not necessarily the easiest one. From what I can see being the Captain of a boat seems to be identical. I would love to learn how to sail one day and let the wind blow me into all sorts of adventures. Thanks for sharing, this is one of my favorite channels on YouTube. You are doing a fantastic job.

  2. Very nice! (of course it wasn't me out on the waves, it was You…..) The 26 Contessa is a very seaworthy little ship, I do know that because I owned a 26 Folkboat for a few years….A very tough vessel. She liked to heel a lot but then stiffened significantly. You did the right thing, veering off. Soon you can continue your trek home…;) Take care!

  3. There is another way to heave-to that I like to use. Instead of tacking, you turn downwind and blanket the headsail with the main causing it to flutter. Then change sheets to pull the headsail to the other side, pull tight, then turn back up into the wind. When ready to continue on, just let the sheet out and pull in the other and off you go on the same tack as before. I like this because if you have any forward drift like most boats do, it will be in the direction you want to go.

  4. I think a Contessa is perfect for Conditioning a Sailor. It's is difficult to manage due to it's Comparative weight. But I think a 26 Footer is perfect for a person interested in a larger vessel to train on awhile prior?
    Thanks for this new submission.
    Have you any information on predicting bad weather by looking at clouds & sky changes?

  5. Hi Rotty, new to the channel, but since you asked, what would I do, I would probably just heave to, and wait it out. I say this having numerous crossings of the Pacific and one Atlantic crossing, along with single handling the Med in a 28 foot boat, with no motor. If there are no real problems with the boat, bobbing about for even a couple of days is better than adding 400 miles to the trip. Also, if the storm worsened I don’t want to be near any shore. Wet and cold trumps a rocky shore any day. Cheers.

  6. Am enjoying this channel. I used to sail on a Westerly Centaur on the west coast of Scotland in the 70s but always just coastal day sailing. Sailed on a few Contessa 32s as well but never a 26. And by coincidence I now live in the Azores – on Flores but know Horta well. Looking forward to the next chapter.

  7. Brilliant sailing Jim and I've just realised it was Sally your other half keeping the Jester 2024 site updated…..I'm a little disappointed that you never got your guitar out throughout the journey seeing your part of the Mice duo 😀….You both seem to be so happy always, good luck to the both of you ……. Regards Nick

  8. I’m planning on doing the same voyage solo next year. I’m currently hauled out near Lisbon, and want to sail back to the Uk. My boat makes almost no headway windward, so getting up the coast to Galicia and across the Biscay S to N could be a real pain in the ass, or impossible. So I’ve decided to go via the Azores. Lisbon to Azores I’m pretty confident about, should be on the beam all the way, but this video has made me more nervous about Azores to UK.

  9. The Contessa 26 is also a very seaworthy, small ship. Naturally less agile with its long keel and therefore easier to take off course. Well done, although I would rather do without the Jordan with my Contest 38s ketch. With the mizzen, the jib also heavily reefed, the ship holds its course perfectly under full control of the Windpilot Pacific.

  10. Excellent video. Most videos of heavy weather at sea don’t look like much, but some of your footage shows the reality of heavy weather in a small boat. The most frightening bits are when a wave hits the side of the boat like a hammer and you wonder whether the grp will hold. But providing the mast stays up, and you aren‘t caught by a heavy breaking wave you come through. The Contessa 26 is a marvellous boat and you are an excellent seaman. Might it have been advisable to have hove to earlier, and waited out the bad weather rather than turning back? Did you consider that and reject it?

  11. With all the stabbings going on in England right now and a new tyrant Government letting out the murderers early out of jail to make room for facebook posts prisoners England is the last place I would want to go besides Gaza lol but loved your journey.

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