Nivelurile de preț pentru superyacht – explicate

Nivelurile de preț pentru superyacht - explicate

Chiar și cele mai modeste iahturi par impresionante – dar cum rămâne cu giganții de miliarde de dolari? De la conace pe mare la palate plutitoare, haideți să explorăm adevăratul cost al achiziționării unui superyacht. 0:00 De ce sunt superyacht-urile atât de scumpe? 2:50 Superyacht-uri de 100 de picioare 4:59 Superyacht-uri de 200 de picioare 7:21 Gigayacht-uri de 300 de picioare


47 thoughts on “Nivelurile de preț pentru superyacht – explicate

  1. Купите уже кто-нибудь круизный лайнер и переоборудуйте в яхту, сразу побьете рекорд! Или сухогруз, он тоже огромный.

  2. As a First Mate on a 28m yacht the only inaccuracy I know of is the $1m for 3.3ft. I would say $1m per 3m is a more accurate assessment on the cost of a brand new vessel. Also, an easy evaluation of how much a captain is paid is for every 10 year of direct experience you add $500/per foot per year starting at $1000/pfpy. I know a captain on a 80ft making $300k/yr.

    Truly lucrative for those who making yachting their career field.

  3. No matter the size of the yacht, you still have a limited supply of water, sewage storage, fuel, and electricity. If you run out of food you can’t just hop into your car and go get groceries. The bigger the boat the bigger the money pit.

  4. 99% of these are owned by tyrants, despots and pidors like pUTIN and his corrupt gang … Eery of these is made of millions of slaves and thousands of killed people! I don't see coolness in that!

  5. I honor your right to spend 1000 Million on a boat. I question this: why didn't you put the wealth to work building a beneficial company, or into an enterprise that will explode human knowledge?

  6. It is totally and utterly OBSCENE that in a World beset by natural disasters; by preventable deaths and illnesses; by famine and Global Warming; by homelessness; by Refugee -ism; by unavailable clean drinking water and by inadequate sanitation, that anyone would indulge themselves in luxuries of this magnitude.

  7. How seaworthy are these yachts? The Queen Mary 2 can cross the Atlantic in pretty much all weather, these boats have massive ranges but look too fragile to tackle any serious weather.

  8. When it comes to super yacht's bigger isn't always better. Size limits you to where you can, and can't dock. I'd say 60 meters or less is the perfect size. Another thing you didn't touch on is that most used yacht's get a complete refit by the new owners.

  9. Call me practical, but if I want a yacht with a crew, safety supersedes the needs for the luxuries. Most of the yachts I’ve seen don’t have adequate weather protections and realizability I wanted. So I’d consider placing a construction order to my specifications. When you own it, it’s your responsibility to make sure everybody on it; families, guests, and crews alike can be comfortable and safe regardless of the conditions that might apprise. Along with sustainable propulsion system such as hybrid engines (idea of having to unitize electric energy for propulsion uses for either short range trip or something happens to diesel engine) to allow the yacht to have greater range with reduced annualized fuel costs and maintenance as they are in the market recently. And a garage for a transport dinghy or two; depending on how many people are going to be on board for seafaring trips. For me, owning a yacht is symbolic enough.

  10. Somebody should buy those 2 year old Littoral Combat Ships being decommissioned and turn them into a superyacht. 45 knots is plenty fast for a 3000 ton vessel. A two helicopter hangar and expansive boat launch doors are complimentary. All it needs is an interior makeover and disarmament.

  11. แฟนอยากทำธุรกิจล่องแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา ทานดินเนอร์ยามค่ำคืน 5,000 ล้านบาท น่าจะพอ เรือเฟอร์รี่

  12. $60M a year upkeep for the Azzam?!?!Thats ridiculous. They say it costs 10% of the yachts cost to run per year, but that's for boats that cost under $50M. There's not much difference between the upkeep of this boat and a miserly $100M boat

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