Căpitanul Bayesian primește un avocat, refuză să vorbească cu procurorii | SY News Ep378

Căpitanul Bayesian primește un avocat, refuză să vorbească cu procurorii | SY News Ep378

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats CEA MAI BUNĂ Muzica vine din… Epidemic Sound | Pentru o încercare gratuită de 30 de zile https://shorturl.at/gxP59 De unde le luăm pe ale noastre! Abonați-vă la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theyachtreport Link către articolul citit în video https://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2024/08/27 /bayesian-skipper-does-not-reply-to-prosecutors_26353227-00e6-4820-ab1d-7ebf57efc877.html 00:00 Căpitane avocați sus, refuză să vorbească 03:08 De ce un decalaj între scufundare și plută? 04:47 Plead no contest 05:45 Fostul căpitan vorbește despre Bayesian 06:33 Chila ridicată nu înseamnă o greșeală 08:33 Care este „unghiul de inundare” 09:08 Un punct slab al carenei? 09:30 Ce este un clapete de aer? 10:24 Ușile se deschid fulgerător în Lounge! 11:08 Contactați-ne cu informații Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alăturați-vă aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați informații din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/


46 thoughts on “Căpitanul Bayesian primește un avocat, refuză să vorbească cu procurorii | SY News Ep378

  1. Your assertion that 30 or so minutes delay in firing flares was understandable considering that the crew would have been rendering first aid to the surviving passengers isn’t believable. How many injured survivors were there? How many uninjured crew were present? Also how much time and effort does it take to fire the flares, it should have been accomplished with minimal effort by one crew member and doesn’t require a committee to accomplish. As for the refusal to cooperate by the captain shouldn’t be considered as an indication of guilt, it certainly raises suspicions about his own opinion of his legal jeopardy in this matter. When the boat is raised, many outstanding questions will be answered by the condition of the vessel.

  2. In this case I suspect the design of this yacht. It looks like a racing hull, had a retractable keel instead of fixed, and an excessively massive mast. The captain isn't responsible for all that. Did he order the keel to be retracted at anchor? I doubt that… there'd be no reason for that. I suspect the authorities are going after an easy target rather than a just one. There needs to be an independent investigation into the design. Or perhaps acknowledge accidents don't always have a person responsible and chalk it down to a very costly lesson learned.

  3. This being Italy, which has a history of… overzealous search for scapegoats, he's probably right to do so. See also: the seismologists who were put on trial in 2011 for failing to "correctly" predict an earthquake and its strength (being accused of "understating" it), convicted in 2012 and then finally exonerated in 2015. (source: Science magazine, Feb 2015) (I am NOT trying to denigrate Italy or Italians, both of whom I love, but am casting a jaundiced eye on its judicial system)

  4. Thank you for good work as alwayse. Love to learn more. Since I never comment as this is out of my area of expertise, I owed you a comment.

  5. I think if i built a scale model of the bayesian and put it in my swimming pool, i could pretty quickly recreate what happened here. Freak event caused a sudden large water ingress. You either get the water out or get off the boat. 15 minutes is not a lot of time to find and rescue people who are injured or trapped. Appreciate all the input from engineers and experienced sailors.

  6. Good for Captain he should not talk until he gets a lawyer. Investigators twist facts and words trying to get him to incriminate himself. Best to have a lawyer who can explain the questions and why police want to know; They also can tell you what questions are illegal to ask. The Police are looking for someone to blame….not whether you are guilty or not. Say as little as possible.

  7. The dropped outside lounge area, with stairs literally 6 inches from the waterline, is a BROKEN safety boat design the engineer is responsible for this tragedy. And why was the crew moving stuff inside DURING a massive weather event, Captain no where to be found? The is next level suspicious, maybe follow the money.

  8. Watched different video's on this tragedy,and those on the video,were talking about design faults,and said,the captain was right,is keeping quiet,and Lawyering up,

  9. The captain was smart to lawyer up and shut up after what happened to the Captain of the Costa Concordia. Billionaires died in this accident, the Italians will be hang blame on someone. The Italians went on a witch hunt before the accident investigation. The police/justice system are not competent to determine the cause of the sinking. In other countries the justice system waits until the accident investigation is complete.

  10. Hi thanks for your 'updates' they are interesting and informative. There is one observation I have based on the terminology you use in your briefs when referring to watertight doors/hatches. Having served in the RN for 35 years, from an early stage, in damage control and general safety training, it is drummed into you that a watertight door/hatch has two states OPEN or SHUT. The world " closed" can be confused with close eg "the watertight door is close." and not to be used. I know it's a bit pedantic but after decades of being trained and training others on the importance of correct terminology it just doesn't sound right when I hear it. Keep producing the content it is enjoyable and as said before informative.

  11. The Captain had already given a statement on what happened. He had answered questions in the aftermath of the tragedy.

    The investigators are looking for a scapegoat. The Captain did very well to lawyer up and refuse to answer any more questions.

  12. It has been said that the crew were on deck gathering up cushions etc. when they realised a storm was coming.
    So where was the captain? I'm sure he wasn't gathering up cushions but no mention has been made of where he was.
    My only recollection of sailing round islands etc was in Croatia. There was always one of the burly crew keeping an eye on the boat but the other crew (including the captain) spent most of their time fraternising with the willing females on board!
    I don't really understand why in this case everyone is defending the captain. Ultimately, apart from any poor design of the vessel, he was responsible for what happened.

  13. If specific doors, and possibly specific hatches, were open, because the crew was rushing to prepare the ship for a thunderstorm, why not just say it to the investigators? Where is the catch 22? Any idiot would understand what they were trying to do and why.
    If, on the other end, the doors were locked with 50% of the passengers still inside the ship, while the crew was abandoning ship, that is not catch 22, that is a f***@ crime!

    If the engine room and the aircon vents were open, because they logically had to be, and these caused the vessel to sink in 16 minutes (that is apparently what it took for the vessel to entirely disappear underwater), maybe together with specific doors and/or hatches open because of what mentioned above, then why not just say it to the investigators?

    Why take the fifth? This is the captain responsible for the life of passengers and crew. He is not John Gotti, nor he is D.J. Trump.

  14. Unsinkable unless it takes on tons of water. Yep, that's the definition of sinking. If you watch Magnum PI, or any 70's-80's shows, sooner or later they will be on a yacht. Look at the doors, they have dogs. Made for heavy water. If that was laid on it's side do you think those rear salon doors were stopping anything more than rain, or the occasional wave over the rail? Having said that my money ( and in Italy justice is all about the money, at least that's we keep hearing over the years on stuff like 60 Minutes) is crew guilty of not having any protocol for Sudden Storm. If this happens this is your job. How do I know about salon doors? From my dentist's magazines and trips to Newport RI.

  15. Is anyone able to tell me whether the Bayesian had escape hatches direct to the deck from all the guest cabins? Even with the yacht on her side it might have been possible for the guests to get out through one. It's not clear from the photos of the yacht.

  16. The lazaret door is beautiful, fancy and cool looking fitting of billionaires. It may not have been the problem, but sure looks risky to a layperson like me. I pray comfort to the souls.

  17. Surely the keel is the main source of stability. There have been many knock down situations but unless the keel has broken free and come adrift the vessels are designed to right themselves. The situation here where she’s at anchor in 20 m of water during bad weather even though the boat had a knock down if the keel was in the down position she would have surely righted herself. Yes she may have taken on water, but once stable they could have dealt the situation. Just saying.

  18. I think this would be the case for anyone who was in his position. Lawyering up and not talking does not imply guilt. It's standard procedure.

  19. It sounds to me like they simply got complacent and unintentionally negligent. Whether anything could have saved them from a direct hit by a waterspout is anyone's guess. I did read an account of another direct hit where it caused so much bubbling in the water that it wouldn't support the boat and it just sank like the floor had been pulled out from under it. Then the spout passed over and the water returned to normal, leaving the boat sunk. So waterspouts apparently have the potential to just instantly sink a boat as if the ocean swallowed it up.

  20. Hi all,

    There is hardly any consideration for Bayesian's massive mast icw keel up.

    Let's assume for argument sake that a 72mtr tall sailing mast and boom will have a combined surface area of 55m² (mast assembly only) then it can be said that in a 37m/s wind, the dynamic pressure on that mast, its boom and all its openings and radomes etc, could be as much as 45-50kN for the duration of the storm. That is roughly 4.5 to 5 tons (kg) of dynamic pressure on the mast, boom and all its dangly bits alone. This surely must have contributed negatively and was perhaps the straw that broke the camels back.

    After all, something needed to have made the yacht heel over at anchor for any hatch or vent or sliding door to start taking on water..

  21. From what I've read so far, this accident is the equivalent to a tornado coming to your house without warning in the middle of the night. So think about what that would look like.

  22. It all about DOWN FLOODING ANGLE.
    Previous skipper (2012-2019)on sailing scuttlebutt pointed out that the down flooding angle for the yacht was 45 deg of heel, assuming the engine , generator and hvac vents are open . ( as they would be)
    Says it all ,flooding would occurs long before the 73 deg point of no return.
    Boat had huge ballast in fixed part of keel , lifting keel not part of the equation.
    Sadly this boat got hit by very unusual wind .

  23. No one here seems to be entertaining the very juicy conspiracy theory of sabotage. You all are way too reasonable (boring)😂
    The owner ripped off HP for billions and got away with it. Then, his business partner was killed days before he was by a car.
    Pretty coincidental 😮
    Someone can easily enter a boat at 3 in the morning.
    The only problem with this theory is the technology to create a downburst.🫣

  24. I would be interested in what the stability "book" for the other sister ships of Bayesian say about AVS and downloading. That would give some indication of if and if so how much Bayesian's stability was compromised by its tall sloop design. Apparently all the other sister ships had ketch rigs. Assuming the all had the same or similar hull forms the variables would be the keel configuration, the windage and weight of the single mast and based on the captain's comments that Bayesian sat lower in the water and therefore would have lower freeboard than its sisters.

  25. I've heard hundreds of pleas in the US, and you are correct: no contest is identical to a guilty plea except you don't say you did it (there are civil liability advantages and possibly appeal differences in rare circumstances).
    Standing mute is the position of refusing to say guilt or innocence, and a plea of not guilty will be entered by the judge on your behalf and the charges go forward toward court.
    I'm guessing our captain in this case did the local equivalent of standing mute, and it was mistranslated into "not contesting the charges", which is not the same as a plea of no contest.

  26. Does anybody consider the fact that maybe what happened wasn't a criminal act, although it's horrible in every way, it doesn't mean it's a criminal act ?? The Italians want someone/anyone to blame, so their beloved yacht makers aren't in the investigator's sights.

  27. If Capt and all crew have any decency they will voluntary talk to investigators and tell truth what happened. But because of gross neglect of Captain and all crew. They tried to cover their mistakes.

  28. There is a lot of talk now. I have spent “already” more than 30 years at sea as first Eng. and Ch. Eng. on different ships. Including passenger ships. One important rule to follow is “SAFETY FIRST”, and nothing more. We no longer need to discover hot water. We need to follow the procedure on time. It is about pure human negligence, i.e. procedures that were not done when they should have been. That ship is not from yesterday at sea and must have been through much bigger storms than this one, otherwise, it is designed to withstand a category-five typhoon. I don’t understand why they didn’t put the boat in Full maneuvering mode; Start both engines for propulsion” on”, raise the anchor, lower the keel, close all watertight doors, close the pontoons, hatch covers, and so on. Secure everything before. Ship with running propulsion – “ON” is a completely different ship in terms of stability. They even checklist so as to not forget anything. There is also training for such cases on what to do in an emergency and how to act correctly!

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