Superyacht: Cum au murit pasagerii de pe Bayesian

Superyacht: Cum au murit pasagerii de pe Bayesian

Un șef al unei bănci și soția sa, care au murit când un superyacht s-a scufundat în largul coastei Siciliei, s-au sufocat într-o bulă de aer, când oxigenul s-a terminat, potrivit presei italiene. Jonathan Bloomer și soția sa Judy au fost două dintre cele șapte persoane care au murit când superyacht-ul Bayesian s-a scufundat luna trecută. Cei doi au fost în călătorie cu antreprenorul britanic în tehnologie Mike Lynch pentru a sărbători că a fost scutit de acuzațiile de fraudă în iunie în SUA, când a lovit o furtună violentă. Citiți mai multe aici: 13209849 #superyacht #drowning #italy ABONAȚI-vă la canalul nostru de YouTube pentru mai multe videoclipuri: Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: Like-ne pe Facebook: https:// Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: Urmărește-ne pe TikTok: Pentru mai mult conținut accesează http://news și descărcați aplicațiile noastre: Apple Android Podcastul Sky News Daily este disponibil gratuit aici: Videoclipurile Sky News sunt acum disponibile în spaniolă aici/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aici: Pentru a solicita informații despre licențierea conținutului Sky News, puteți găsi mai multe informații aici:


43 thoughts on “Superyacht: Cum au murit pasagerii de pe Bayesian

  1. I feel very sorry for all the people on the yacht Bayesian and their families.

    The fact is:

    A highly upgraded super sailing yacht with a mast and a lifting keel sank in a storm while anchored.

    In the dark of night, within just a few minutes.

    300m off the coast.

    7 people died.

    10 people survived.

    9 people witnessed the incident directly, what do they say?

    The cause of the accident is still completely unclear and lies in the dark seabed.

    I am an engineer and I am also a designer.

    I learned a trade at a shipyard in Hamburg.

    I worked as an engineer in aircraft construction in Hamburg for 38 years.

    I love sailing ships, blue-water ships, cruising ships for crossing the Atlantic and Pacific.

    I don't like the sailing yacht Bayesian, why?

    I want to outline this here:

    My eye and my feeling say that the design of the yacht is disproportionate.

    1. It is a very fast yacht, not a cruising yacht for relaxed driving (racing yacht).

    2. The hull is very long in relation to its small width, the volume is smaller.

    3. The hull lies deep in the water; the side height when tilted is therefore lower, less buoyancy.

    4. Only one mast, which is very long and voluminous, and has a large lateral wind attack surface. The mast has a lot of weight over the hull, which shifts the center of gravity upwards and reduces the tipping stability, the yacht tilts more quickly in the wind.

    5. The yacht requires a special crew for this type of construction. Personally, I would not design, build or buy a yacht like this, even if I had the money. As the owner/captain of such an exposed yacht, I would have to stay awake and be very attentive at all times so that no mistakes are made that could lead to a catastrophe. That would be too stressful for me.

    The Bayesian must be salvaged urgently so that the cause of the accident can be clearly determined. That is the least we can do for the victims, their families and all those affected.

  2. Who knows the missing names of the crew of the yacht Bayesian?

    Bloomer, Jonathan

    Bloomer, Judy

    Lynch, Hannah

    Lynch, Mike

    Morvillo, Christopher

    Morvillo, Neda

    Golunski, Charlotte

    Golunski, Sofia

    James Emsley

    Ronald, Ayla

    Aylas Partner Matthew

    Bacares, Angela

    Thomas, Recaldo

    Randall, Leah

    Cutfield, James

    Eppel, Leo

    Griffiths, Matthew

    Parker Eaton, Tim

    19 ?

    20 ?

    21 ?

    22 ?

    Who knows more?

  3. Just because they are rich Sky News keeps going on about it, if this had been a normal persons yacht they wouldn't have given a care in the world, move on Sky

  4. All that cash and just the simple idea of having a smash glass hammer and / or 10 minute oxgen mini canister in every room never acurred to mamals who do not dominate the h2o environment.

  5. How did the captain manage to escape knowing that passengers were still on the yacht, surely he has got to be held responsible and why did he not warn everybody and tell them to don their life belts and even radio for help because of incoming storm. Sorry but this accident has ended up being a tragedy. Condolences to all involved.

  6. What happened to the talk about the freak weather? Why all quiet about that all of sudden? Usually they love to talk about such things as 'climate change'

  7. Why is it necessary to slaughter the English language with forced and totally dreadful intonation? Why can’t the ‘reporter’ speak in an unaffected way……isn’t the story of the tragic loss of this vessel and the poor souls onboard who perished bad enough without destroying the spoken word!!

  8. Maybe they should stop pointing fingers at the captain and crew and maybe more to rescue protocol’s, if divers would have gone down at soon as possible, just maybe the outcome would have been different.

  9. How did that one man on that other ship that sank survive for a day or more underneath the ocean in a boat and yet these people did not live very long at all?

  10. Each language has its beauty. But, I feel this style of English speaking very stressful, with each syllable and word stressed. Need a lot of energy to speak in this manner. (No offense meant)

  11. Where are the below deck captain and crew reality TV meets reality death. These partygoers on this yacht need to go to prison for what he did😮

  12. I just wonder what mankind doing under the Sun like
    Ecclesiastes 6:1-2 said : There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is heavy upon men:
    a man to whom God giveth riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacketh nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but an alien eateth it; this is vanity, and it is an evil disease.

  13. Based on the BBC version, Mike Lynch was one of those guys who had a 6th sense for business, always in the right place at the right time. He hinted at his demise, gathering his team for collateral yet it was all for naught with his private security in absentia

  14. Nobody can belive this story, may the was suffocated before, but nobody can belive that they was suffocated each one in his cabins by a air buble, maybe somebody put a plastic back on the heads and after he or they sank the ship to erase the traces

  15. Il serait peut-être intéressant de penser à mesurer la longueur du mouillage. Même par 50 m de fond , celle ci doit être dans l’état . La position de l’ancre n’a même vraisemblablement pas changer . Le rapport taille poids de l’ancre longueur et poids de chaîne et longueur totale du mouillage peut être un piège mortel, surtout en Méditerranée où l’absence de marée peut faire oublier des règles élémentaires de mouillage au corps mort ou à l’ancre. ?? Sans parler d’un éventuel double mouillage proue et poupe mais la qd même !!!

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