MALÖ 40 Classic – test SAILING și tur ghidat

MALÖ 40 Classic - test SAILING și tur ghidat

Malö 40 Classic, un iaht superb de înaltă calitate din curtea de pe Orust. Versiunea cu trei cabine gata de plecat oriunde. Malö 40 Classic este o barcă Orust mare de 40 de picioare de cea mai înaltă calitate absolută. Acest Malö 40 are avantajul dorit de a avea trei cabine, oferind o flexibilitate superbă pentru familia mai mare, pentru distracția oaspeților sau orice combinație a acestora. Citiți mai multe despre barcă la:


8 thoughts on “MALÖ 40 Classic – test SAILING și tur ghidat

  1. Why do you guys title vids and thier description in English and then use Herdy Gerdy for the audio… I like your vids but dont speak the lingo. All Herdy Gerdy speakers speak English anyway so might as well cut to Gods language at a first base. 🙂 Joking aside, do a voice over version or something coz they look good quality so makes sense to maximise audience exposure after producing what I am guessing was a lot of work and in that way all people of the Empire can appreciate them and help grow your channel.

  2. Owned a Malo 39 of 2002 and a Malo 43 of 2006 and have many tales to tell of our fantastic exploits sailing the south coast of England and across to the north coast of France and over to Ireland on two occasions. Yes, we were blessed with our sailing opportunity!

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