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Acum 49 de ani, prințesa Catherine confirmă în sfârșit ceea ce ne-am gândit tot timpul
8 thoughts on “Acum 49 de ani, prințesa Catherine confirmă în sfârșit ceea ce ne-am gândit tot timpul”
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this is a meddle but i feel targeted as well…
William and Catherine married in early spring, 2011, if she is really 49 that means she was 36 when they married! Also, just what was it that “We thought all along”??
If she was over aged given birth to Louis. Why is Louis so energetic so bright ? What’s the matter being older than
her husband ? When she’s good as wife and
mother and carrying her duty perfectly !? What
are you trying to upset ?
May we ask ?
Princess Catherine is NOT 49 years old! She is 42 and Prince William is also age 42.
Meghan Markle is way older than Prince Harry.
Princess Catherine was born on 2 Jan. 1982, being older by 5 months tnan Prince William.
Stop lying so much about the royals !!!