Proiectul 821, construit de Feadship în Amsterdam pentru cel mai probabil Bill Gates, a fost lansat pe 4 mai. Potrivit zvonurilor, iahtul a fost planificat să meargă cu putere proprie de la Amsterdam la IJmuiden astăzi pentru a avea o primă zi de probe pe mare. Pentru a preveni posibilele agitații la ecluzele IJmuiden, Proiectul 821 a fost remorcat la IJmuiden de 3 remorcheri în întuneric și vreme ploioasă ieri seară. Proiectul 821 era deja de vânzare la momentul lansării sale cu un preț cerut de 675 milioane EUR, iar iahtul este încă pe piață astăzi. Am observat recent un nume „Elixer” prin AIS la Feadship, care ar putea fi numele uneia dintre ofertele Proiectului 821? Aveți în minte un nume potrivit pentru acest proiect? Posibil „Vaccinul MEU”? 🙂 Acest videoclip este format din 3 părți: prima parte când Proiectul 821 a părăsit șantierul naval din Amsterdam ieri seară. A doua parte când iahtul a fost ancorat în IJmuiden în această dimineață și a treia parte când iahtul a avut primele probe pe mare în această dimineață. Odată cu lansarea, poliția olandeză a încercat să-i împiedice pe fotografii să realizeze orice filmare și acum se pare că unii membri ai echipajului au pus un reflector asupra noastră pentru a ne împiedica să facem acest videoclip. Același lucru s-a întâmplat când am făcut filmările exclusive cu transportul lui Jeff Bezos Koru în miezul nopții. Şantierul naval are ceva de ascuns? Vă rugăm să vă bucurați de acest videoclip! Filmări realizate de The Nautical lady și Dutch Yachting. #feadship #BillGates #hidrogen #pile de combustibil
Proiectul 821 al lui Bill Gates de 118,8 m/390 ft a avut primele teste pe mare
35 thoughts on “Proiectul 821 al lui Bill Gates de 118,8 m/390 ft a avut primele teste pe mare”
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We zijn allemaal stervelingen op deze Aardkloot, ook een Bill Gates,maar sommige dingen zijn toch een beetje slecht verdeeld op deze wereld…..Ze zijn toch allemaal hetzelfde daar bovenin bij die stinkrijken,. Wie heeft de grootste Leuter !!
If you are this great philanthropist, why would you waste that much money on something so self indulgent?
Bill Diablo Gates ain’t around anymore by by Parasite Bill Gates wHO’s mother comes from the Maxwell banking family 😂😢
Stunning, I hope that we might see some of the interior in the Future✌❤🤗
is it just me or does she look small for a 118 meters ???
Haha, yeah that would be an appropriate name or "M/Y World Dictator"
What is it good for, Bill?
nice boat pity its owned by a POS
Like because I am proud of Dutch shipbuilding…. Congrats.. could do without music.. 😢😊😊
Was Bill onboard during the sea trial?
M/Y I am not a Dr, I sell virusses
it helps to fight global warming, ya know
Nice vessel, really, but isn`t it a lttle bit to small for a man that size?
Perfect proof of do as I say not as I do. Whats the carbon foot print of your new play toy Bill? I'll admit its a beautiful boat, but seriously, one mans toy, out of many other large toys? That kind of wealth is obscene.
Hopefully Bill doesn't give more discussions about the environment publicly. But he is trying…he has a reactor project in Wyoming
I can only imagine how proud these workers feel standing on the dock watching this beauty roll out.
horrible yacht…and stupid
You could not pay me enough money to cross the Atlantic ocean in rough's seas in this yacht of Bill Gates.! Now, on the other hand what I call a yacht as old as it is, is Queen Elizabeth's Britannia? Britannia rules the waves!
Electric 🚗 or bikes 🚴 are things of the past . See the future!
Très élégante comme silhouette et comme d'habitude de belles images, merci
I understand the yacht is for sale. Can I pay in installments, or do I have to pay full price on taking ownership?
Yes it is a hybrid. The main propulsion is diesel which the articles really fail to mention. Apparently it can store liquid hydrogen. which is fine as long as the vessel is constantly drawing power. As liquid H2 cools, it builds pressure which if unused has to be vented into the atmosphere. Many folks don't know this but H2 is a greenhouse gas that is 12x worse than carbon. I wonder what marina has liquid H2? and what will the cost be? I also wonder what percentage of power is being made from H2 compared to diesel generators? I am still not convinced that H2 is the answer. It certainly hasn't worked for the auto industry. the whole green hydrogen system really doesn't make sense to me but for large vessels and commercial shipping it could be a possibility.
Beautiful ❤
Now something even half-billionaires can only dream of. Bad luck.
What are they going to name
It ,what about " made from vaccines", or " small footprint
Climate change".?
Did he name her "Vaxine"?
Waiting to buy a hidrogênio car or a bike.
Never ever battery 🪫!
well done mate! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻
Now he's prepped ⌛️
Fit for purpose. Pure evil.
Where is this?
Bill Gates may stand trial over COVID -19 vaccine
You have te dead shot bill has this .
needs to be seized by authorities: Nuremberg code, article 6: S3: in no case should a collective agreement or the concent of a community leader or any other authority, substitute for an individuals informed consent.