Bine ai revenit la WE|Sail! Episodul din această săptămână este plin de maxime, coborâșuri și câteva răsturnări neașteptate. După ce ne-am luat rămas bun de la prietenii noștri și ne-am sărbătorit logodna surpriză, ne-am continuat călătoria prin insulele uluitoare Tonga. Deși ne-a plăcut să-i avem la bord, momentul nu ar fi putut fi mai bun pentru plecarea lor – pentru că lucrurile au devenit puțin picante aici! De la condiții provocatoare de navigație până la momente idilice pe insulă, aventurile din această săptămână au avut cu adevărat totul. Dar cea mai mare surpriză? Ne confruntăm cu primul nostru cutremur și cu teama uluitoare de un potențial tsunami. Este o călătorie pe care nu o vom uita niciodată și suntem încântați să o împărtășim cu voi! Vă mulțumim că v-ați conectat la aventurile WE|Sail. Ia-ți vesta de salvare și alătură-te nouă la plimbare! ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––- ⛵ Doriți să rezervați o cabină pentru Odyssey Sailing Festival din aprilie? PENTRU MAI MULTE INFORMATII EMAIL: ANDY@THEOCEANCRUISERS.COM SAU CONTACTATI TELEFON SAU WHATSAPP: +34 633 04 51 52 👉 ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––- Ești interesat de niște jucării noi cu barca sau ești în căutarea unui cadou perfect pe care să-l oferi persoanei dragi de Crăciun? Ia-le un troliu EasySea și folosește acest link pentru a obține o reducere de la tine cu adevărat…. 👉 ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––- ⚓ Gândiți-vă să DEVENI UNUL DINTRE PATREONII NOȘTRI și ȚINE minte… membrii nu plătesc pentru călătoria noastră, ci mai degrabă ne susțin sucurile creative, care uneori echivalează cu o bere gustoasă! Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! @Patreon 👉 ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––- Sau sprijiniți-ne într-un alt mod, accesând site-ul nostru web și achiziționându-vă o parte din Marfa noastră WE|Sail. 👉 ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––- 📆 Vrei să vii la navigație cu noi pentru următorul charter WE|Sail Patreon în 2025? 👉 Trimite-ne un e-mail astăzi pentru mai multe detalii… ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––– Dacă sunteți, de asemenea, interesat să vă rezervați propriul charter, luați în considerare rezervarea cu Navigare Yachting. Utilizați codul de reducere de mai jos pentru reduceri speciale cu WE|Sail! Utilizați linkul de mai jos pentru a rezerva cu ei astăzi! 👉 ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––– Verificați produsele de la Claryti. Ecologic, Artizanat, Organic, Conștient social, Durabil, Vegan/Pe bază de plante, Deținut de femei. – 👉 UTILIZAȚI CODUL DE REDUCERE: WE_SAILAWAY pentru 10% reducere la întreaga comandă ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––– Partenerul nostru Sail @PrecisionSailLoftVictoria – 👉 🚣 NOUL nostru partener Highfield Dingy @Highfieldboats ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––– Melodiile prezentate în acest episod provin de la @epidemicsound 🎼 Vrei muzică fără drepturi de autor, dă clic pe linkul de mai jos!!! 👉 🛍 Vrei ceva WE|Sail Merch??? Consultați WE|Sail $WAG $TORE 👉 🤑 Obțineți 20% REDUCERE LA TOATA Achiziție folosind codul: WEYOUTUBER ––––––––––––––––– –––- ––––––––––––––––– –––– Urmărește AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM
Navigarea pe neașteptat: cutremure, amenințări de tsunami, în Tonga | Episodul 281
31 thoughts on “Navigarea pe neașteptat: cutremure, amenințări de tsunami, în Tonga | Episodul 281”
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I saw you for the first time when Warren and Brian helped a fellow cruiser with a rudder issue. Just impressed there was someone who (almost 😉) kept up with OG Delos in terms of skills and likability. Been watching ever since. Always quality content and great editing! Safe travels to Greece then the US and beyond. Thanks you two!
I have been through several earthquakes, having been raised in Southern California. I never thought about being able to feel it while on the water. Having seen it happen on your boat, it makes sense. The energy has to go somewhere, and water is a great conductor of electricity, sound, and, apparently, the movement of an earthquake! Thank God there was no Tsunami. Thanks for the video and fair winds.
My GF from here on Maui was also on Tongo there during the earthquake you experienced. I texted her and asked and she was there scuba diving and she felt nothing. You guys were all so lucky. I was really worried and good thing you had Starlink. 😅😅
Wow, just shows that even older people can feel the “Earth Move “ now and again.
Even on a Bed of Water. Beautiful.
All the Best from “The Land Of The Long White Cloud” . Google it
Crazy! Glad you guys are ok. See you in April
The Hunga Tonga eruption and tsunsmi was 2022, not 2011….
Remember, H2O is jot compressable. Therefore any motion regardless of it's origin is transfered in it's entirety without loss of energy by compression. With regard to Volcanos, in the ocean, you just don't want to be there. Seismic activity in the ocean can be lethal. Good luck and god bless.
We Luv ya..! Glad UR Safe..!
Question: How were you able to stay so long in French Polynesia? I've heard that Americans only get six weeks. You stayed there for about a year.
Thankyou 😊
One of the hardest parts of cruising is managing frustration. Within yourself, yes, but also the frustration that your partner is experiencing when they’re the primary fixer of all things broken. Which in sailing, is more than one can imagine. For me, it was soooo hard to not take it personally, but I was younger and less wise. Keep being strong for each other, including your I Love You I Love You I Love You songs, Erica, hahaha. And Warren, you are an eternal optimist. This is one of the biggest endurance sports an athlete can do. So, good. On. YOU.
If I felt that while scuba diving I would feel like I was going to be run over by a huge submarine or something!
They likely couldn't feel it on the boat, but they would have heard it. Earthquakes are (not) surprisingly incredibly loud.
Hi you guys, sorry I haven't been around for a while. We had 2 floods in 2 weeks here in Fl that took cars, house, boats and everything we own including computers. It is a life changing event. One thing for sure we are purged of stuff and we came to realize that is exactly what it was….. but it took a while to get to that realization. Interesting that my first episode back is about floods. Stay safe, it's good to see you guys again. Carl
11:28 Praying for you guys to be able to vent outwards not inwards. You are stronger together so when the pressure builds send it over the side not at each other.
I say this as one who failed to do this and suffered the consequences …
Crazy to feel that on the boat , wow
Glad you weren't washed away by the earthquake!
I think it's perfectly reasonable to write something down on the jobs list so you can then cross it off.
I rode out the earthquake in Washington DC in the Hampton area of Virginia. I was asleep when the rocking started I got up to check if it was the wake from another boat and didn’t see any, said oh well and went back to sleep then my phone started blowing up with people calling and seeing if I was okay? Oh that was what that was that explains it, No I’m fine thanks good to hear from you..
Oh god Warren, you and I are so similar!!! Shitty days that can be hard to shake, and then the next day is fine.
Love tha Chanel ❤ Yall are a great couple ❤
Wow ! That's a Scary Shits-u-ation LOL. Great Episode yall ❤
At 32:23 what kind of trees are those? (And don't say "sturdy"!)
Warren, you are my #1 boat repair hero! You rock dude!
I never thought about feeling an earthquake in a boat. So glad you captured it so well. Scarry. Glad your safe!
Malo e lelei ,Hope you enjoy the short time you visit the friendly island 🇹🇴
Water is almost incompressible. It transmits seismic waves from the seabed easily, and you can feel it on board vessels on the surface. The opposite is true for air – it is highly compressible, and does not transmit seismic waves. If you fly over an earthquake in progress in an airplane, you can't feel anything.
Crazy crazy…. enjoyed the singing.
Loved this episode. My wife and I were anchored out the front of PANGAI. I thought the same as you, the engine trying to start on one cylinder. Or we were aground. We were planning on leaving for Fiji that evening so I went into the village to check out . The customs office was closed but a group of people where crowded around the Vodafone container. I Asked if they knew anything about the earthquake and the lack of a custom officer. They had no idea but did say the custom officers all left soon after the quake to go to high ground, there is no high ground on the islands. Got to love the sense of humor considering they new nothing being reliant on land wifi.
yikes. I was scared too. It didn't help that just last night I watched a movie, La Palma where a volcano caused a landslide and tsunami. So if there was a tsunami, you'd pick up anchor and head out as far as you can? I guess it would depend on alot of factors. Before Starlink days, going out to sea is just what I did in Pacific Panama. I best remember, loving my cat, because I could go quickly without taking too much time to stow like on a monohull. And a working electric windlass as I passed a few who were slowly bringing up their anchors, and of course 2 working engines! I think I was underway in less than 5 minutes. Love you guys.
the volcanic eruption you referred to was after 2011