12 marinari au pornit să traverseze Atlanticul cu mini iahturi de 19 picioare

12 marinari au pornit să traverseze Atlanticul cu mini iahturi de 19 picioare

Flota și-a încheiat pasajul de calificare de la Marina de Lagos, Portugalia la Marina Rubicon, Lanzarote, și este pe cale să concureze în Globe 580 Transat de la Lanzarote la Antigua. Sâmbătă, 11 ianuarie 2025, au pornit spre Antigua, înainte de a face ocolul lumii! Class Globe Transat: globe580transat.com Mini Globe Race: minigloberace.com ALMA Class Globe 580: classglobe580.com 🎵 PremiumBeat / Taizo Audio


7 thoughts on “12 marinari au pornit să traverseze Atlanticul cu mini iahturi de 19 picioare

  1. Another nice teaser! I’ll be following along and hope the audience builds into tens of thousands and quickly builds from there for this adventure and its participants deserve a huge following. Good on ya!

  2. So, they are required to be made of plywood? Is it a kit? Is the only difference the kitting out? If it's to make a level playing field, so the only difference is sailing skill, why not provide them with identical boats? How much difference are they allowed? Could they be made of divinycell and fibreglass? Could they change the shape of the topsides? Keel differences? Foils?

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