I’m Sailing Away (Scurtmetraj Cianură și fericire)
Im Sailing Away (Scurtmetraj Cianură și fericire)

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I’m Sailing Away (Scurtmetraj Cianură și fericire)
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if you like this watch "Titanic how it should have happened";)
Damn it! I was singing along too! That fucking iceberg messed me up! >__<
My stomach was making the rumblies
that only hands could satisfy
Styx- come sail away
Styx- come sail away
That's what i was thinking
did you just take this from the actual C&H makers?
Man, I hope Eric Cartman doesn't see this. He'll be frantically trying to finish the song
Omg the ship was called hmv titanic
This is one of the best ones ever!
ugh hms
Thats not funny
@ valeska Moreno yes it is funny you have no sense of humor
That descended quickly
I like this song.
too soon
Love it
I called it.
i just now saw TITANIC and i got scared 0:26
his legs are freakishly long
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over youtube
/ so he can take over and return the old comment section
The real Titanic was RMS Titanic not HMS
Honestly, I like the music Explosm uses.
His legs though
please make a full version of this song with this singer please
hahahahahahahahahhahalolololololololoolololololololo. that was awesome!
The Styx are awesome.
Make a full cover with same voice
well that was random
It's great how the singing from C&H is better than the original.
She wasn't a H.M.S
Scared the f*ck out of me
Wait 8 seconds and then press 7
2022 and it’s still funny.
0:26 BOOM!!
0:32 end credits