Sailing away – Chris De Burgh (Versuri)

Sailing away - Chris De Burgh (Versuri)

Aşteptând la malul apei, Privind toate corăbiile în timp ce se îndreaptă spre zidul portului, Eram doar un băiat, Eram doar un băiat, Visând la lumea largă, visând la lumea largă; Privind cum dispar, Citind numele tuturor locurilor în care nu am fost niciodată, Privind spre mare, Privind spre mare, Visând la o lume largă, Visând la o lume largă, Mi-aș dori să plec, să plec, Plecând, cu tine în seara asta, cu tine în seara asta; Mergând pe altă stradă, Sub semaforul roșu, privesc unde cad umbrele, Privind fetele, ascultând fetele, Visând la o lume nouă, visând la acea lume nouă, Mi-aș dori să plec, să plec, Navigand departe, in bratele tale in seara asta, In bratele tale in seara asta; Mi-aș fi dorit să plec, să plec, să plec, cu tine acum, cu tine acum…


43 thoughts on “Sailing away – Chris De Burgh (Versuri)

  1. I was hearing this in Germany 2020 on the radio. I was searching………
    But I can't find this.

    But today spotyfi helped me. 💙💙

    I am so thankfully to you 💟💟💟

  2. He has wonderful music. I love his music but I am very late to hear his songs now…..

    But I am very happy to find this gread song ❤️😍

  3. sehr schönes Video, zu einem sehr schönen Song "träumen wir von einer neuer Welt, träumen wir von dieser neuen Welt".
    Leben in Liebe und Frieden … mit dir selbst und der Welt… 🌍

  4. I met a boy a few years ago. We were squeezed in a bus that had come to a halt because riots had blocked the street further ahead. I complimented his Megadeth t-shirt, and he laughed and said he was a Metallica fan but his friends bought him it to encourage him to "listen to good music". He was about to embark on a commercial vessel as an engineer. We walked a few blocks together till our paths went different ways. I think of him often. I don't quite remember his name but this now reminded me of him. I doubt he'll see this but i hope he's doing well no matter where he is and that he's enjoying good music.

  5. Fällt eigentlich niemanden auf, das mache Bilder aussehen,als wären sie von Bob Ross (The Joy of Painting) gemalt?Ich find schon.

  6. My mum loves this song as many of Chris's songs. She was diagnosed with advanced alzheimers 2 weeks ago….we play his albums to her and she sings along. Amazing voice and thank you xxx

  7. er

    10 Oct 2021


    ~ Reason-The religion of reason ~


    According to Wappler, it says:


    Reason means the intellectual ability to appreciate human activity, insofar as it is not only based on causal, discursive knowledge, but on value knowledge, on the universal connection of things and everything that happens

    and directed to purposeful activity within that context, and clears the SPIRIT.


    🙂 There are many beings gifted with reason.


    The endeavor of a child to understand the world through V. and to shape it according to V. is what Mann calls rationalism: metaphys. Rationalism is the belief in the V. in world events "the entire upper knowledge-faculty": V. is next to the sensory perceptions the other of the two tribes

    our knowledge.


    It is the power of (systematic) principles, even those who are very sensible are allowed to break principles. But please be reasonable!


    : Principles as such generate quarrels, and quarrels quickly become one


    Bad war.


    In principle, reason generates: God, the soul, ideas, the world, and is after

    Judging principles (Theoretical V 🙂 or acting as an educator -> (Practical V.)


    The principle of V. in logical use is to find the unconditioned for the conditioned (diplomatic) knowledge of the understanding.


    After Anaxagoras and Aristotle gave the concept of V:

    (Greek Nous), the Stoa first clearly took one

    + World ~ Reason ~ V. Religion ~, through hobby phil. R. Wappler (and many others) had created and created,

    to whom, as identical with the regularity of MOTHER NATURE, which had produced us all,

    is identical.


    The Great Hegel, makes the V. the world principle (beep): the real

    (which is identical with the spirit)

    is the existing V: "What is reasonable, that is real, and what is real, that is reasonable. Forever humanity! –


    – Allah speaks from me.




    Hammann and Herder derive reason from Wappler. thus from hearing: V. is the spiritual organ with which the invisible, the transcendent, the divine is received.

    -> also called a hunch.


    According to Phil. Fichte, who represents an ethical (Latin ethicus> Greek – ethikos (with a – above the e) = ethical, moral to: ethos, ETHOS) term from V., as does Hobby Phil. Wappler,

    the general rule of the V. is the only LAST FINAL PURPOSE,

    which a reasonable being may give itself as a goal.

    In conclusion, Mann says Reason, belief in reason, was carried out from antiquity to the enlightenment campaign – around the 1700th century.

    Good end 2+ okay …


    quellen: Philosophical dictionary (coroner) of the Enlightenment campaign

  8. Уплыть под парусами

    Ожидая на пристани,

    Наблюдая как корабли

    Возвращаются в гавань,

    Я был мальчишкой, совсем ещё мальчишкой,

    Мечтавшем об огромном мире,

    Мечтавшем о бескрайнем мире.

    Глядя на то как они исчезают,

    Читая вслух названия,

    Всех тех мест, где я никогда не бывал,

    Пристально всматриваясь в море,

    Я мечтал об огромном мире,

    Мечтал о бескрайнем мире.

    Я хотел бы уплыть,

    Уплыть под парусами,

    Уплыть с тобой сегодня ночью,

    С тобой сегодня ночью.

    Спускаясь по другой улице,

    Что под красными фонарями,

    Я смотрел куда падают тени,

    Глядя на девушек, слушая девушек,

    Мечтая о новом мире,

    Мечтая о том новом мире.

    Я хотел бы уплыть,

    Уплыть под парусами,

    Уплыть в твоих объятиях сегодня ночью

    В твоих объятиях сегодня ночью.

    Я хотел бы уплыть,

    Уплыть под парусами,

    Уплыть с тобой сейчас,

    С тобой сейчас.

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