The World Is The Best de Harvard Sailing Team un videoclip muzical schiță comedie videoclip parodie melodie spoof Google-hartă lumea – vă puteți vedea casa! Rezervați HST Live/alte întrebări: Manager: Kevin Gottlieb – versuri și mp3: Abonare YouTube: Lista de corespondență: http:// Facebook: Twitter: Produs de Untucked Films ( și Kevin Gottlieb. Regizat de Jonathan Emmerling și Charles Divak Director de fotografie Pat Armitage Editat de Charles Divak Scris de Harvard Sailing Team „World Is The Best” Înregistrat și mixat la HOBO Audio (
Echipa de navigație Harvard – The World Is The Best

42 thoughts on “Echipa de navigație Harvard – The World Is The Best”
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i really should work on my report BUTTTTTTTT…… look where the computer takes me XD
keep pressing 4 and be mesmerized.
I like bookmarks…
Hahahah, "Benjamin Fronklin"
favorite lyrics:
"i walk along the road
it's a tough and easy road
faces in the sand
the sun, the wind, the dreams."
"open up your hand and put it in my heart."
Every day…
one child…
…a tooth!
I think I've broken the replay button on this. you guys are awesome
ahahahhahahaahah i watched all theirs videos!
I'm sad more people haven't seen this.
no not at all its just a ny theatre group i think
Obviously 93 people don't know what funny is!
A ramp to Disney World?….yes….yes
But they all DID go to Harvard
Not true. None of them actually went to Harvard. Ironic no?
Lol I love this!! I know there are a lot of views already, but this deserves way more!!
I genuinely like this song … it's funny and you guys are amazing. Keep it up
POLAR BEARS! We wouldn't want to skip lunch for a week either. Keep up the funny.
So true!!! I love the guy in the black scarf!!! He's makes me lol
"it's soooo cool" " ramp to Africa"
Love it!
His forehead is a ramp hahaha
lol white ppl humor
Is that Hayek!?
Benjamin Frawnklin!!!!!!!!!!!!
The guys who played Hayek and Keynes are part of Harvard Sailing Team and also have a website (billyandadam [dot] com).
Half of them are in Honda commercials now.
I am from Bangladesh …
I don't have words. This video is too good for words <3<3<3<3
JUST found out that they weren't affiliated with Harvard, after being a fan for several months. Almost a year. Okay. xD
clayton can sing, no joke
How badly I want to meet these guys. I don't even know what I'd do!
we are the world parody…
I died.
HEY ADAM my favorite scratches of all you guys are the HIPSTER ones
The woman at 0:35 has a beautiful voice.
no dislikes? really?
at 0:41 that birthmark is on the girl's left side of her mouth, and at 2:37 its on her right side… I'm on to you guys…
Every time I watch this, I look for Sara's bag somewhere in the background. No luck yet.
chris's guitar playing XD
I found your bag! Oh, that's not your bag. That's my bag. Never mind.