vânt puternic navigație doborâre furtună extremă cu călcâi intens barca cu pânze umed sălbatic 11/11/11

vânt puternic navigație doborâre furtună extremă cu călcâi intens barca cu pânze umed sălbatic 11/11/11

(porțiunea cu rafale de furtună din videoclipul „knockdown to blakely” mai lung, care are înainte și după această secțiune) Vânt puternic cu barca cu tocuri mari care îngroapă șina, navigație extremă în noiembrie în timpul RTCC de la Bellingham, între insula Lummi și insula Sinclair vineri 11/ 11/11 înainte de Runda The County RTC. Prognoza era 20-30 cu rafale până la 45 și exact asta am primit. O vineri distractivă… vânt și valuri uimitoare, nebunești, cu un sloop puternic de 41 de picioare.


44 thoughts on “vânt puternic navigație doborâre furtună extremă cu călcâi intens barca cu pânze umed sălbatic 11/11/11

  1. Is it really that hard to furl the jib in? You needed to turn on the motor, head windward, furl in the jib to a sliver for balance, and reef the main again.. either that or motor only.

  2. Hi Peter thanks for your video. I'm just starting out in sailing at the ripe age of 43, looking to buy a cruiser and do a circumnavigation. So far in my study I have picked up a few lessons. One thing I realised is that a squall can come about pretty quickly, but what I've learnt is to minimise the sail area as soon as possible. My thinking is better to be underpowered but still maintain steerage. I guess if I was fast enough perhaps I would've taken in the main completely and left some genoa out to maintain steerage, but at the moment im just an armchair expert. Any tips would be most appreciated. Cheers:)

  3. In winds like those trying to maintain the tack they are on would it not make sense to furl the jib, lose some power, in order to maintain better comfort. This seems like a nerve wracking scenario that could be avoided. Granted I only sail a 17" catboat in coastal waters

  4. There is no knockdown in this video, only a bunch of mistakes. I used to have the same boat. Fun in wild weather but you better not let it catch you unaware and unprepared.

  5. Too much genoa. But you know that. A slim jib would have had that a nice sleigh ride. I know you were over heeled but that's not a knockdown.
    I sailed out of an islands Lee once and was properly knocked down due to the fact I'd not taken the Lee into account. I just wasn't prep'd.
    I'd always rather look silly with undersized sails than really stupid in a liferaft lol.

  6. commentary from the sofa:
    Too much sail from the beginning in these weather- conditions. Mainsail should have a 3.reef( no seaworthy boat sails without). Fock should have been furled in further in the beginning.
    Operation of furling fock was suboptimal. Use of sheet on the winch. Handling of lee-sheet. Skipper should have given clear
    commandos for doing better.
    in contrary to some opinions
    here. In such weather- conditions the maximal flattened
    3.reefed mainsail should have the traveller-car in lee to reduce heeling of the boat.

  7. I sail dinghy's and I've never been on a bigger boat.

    The force in this video is something to behold and gives me pause to respect and practice for situations like this.

    Appreciate you sharing this!

  8. you did well. kept the boat on top of the water, and the water on the outside of the boat. good sailing. kind of a windy day, but looks like good sailing ,,,,

  9. Jesus, Peter, the comments here are atrocious. They make it sound like you and your mates sodomized the Virgin Mary. I’ve watched this video a couple of times over the years, and was impressed by how everyone kept their heads together in an unenviable set of circumstances.

  10. haha wild sheeit
    I was like "omg the hatch and vang!" but it's very easy to miss stuff when it gets real like that

    releasing most of the jib pressure clearly was the right call there

  11. Most of us with an idea of how to handle this kind of situation, have all been caught out at some time like this for whatever reason. I like the fact that everyone remained calm an no unnecessary risks were taken by the crew.

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