Dead Reckoning – elementele de bază

Dead Reckoning - elementele de bază

Acest videoclip este conceput pentru a completa conținutul acestei pagini – Aici, la Penzance Sailing Club, grupul nostru activ de antrenament este format din voluntari cu o varietate de experiențe și calificări. Obiectivele principale ale grupului nostru de instruire sunt de a încuraja oamenii din West Cornwall să se apuce de navigație, să se bucure de experiență și să fie în siguranță pe apă. Aflați mai multe la Conținutul acestor videoclipuri este creat cu bună-credință și este în continuă evoluție. Este posibil să existe erori în acest conținut. Dacă observați o eroare sau doriți să adăugați ceva la aceste pagini, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail Vizionarea acestui conținut nu înlocuiește finalizarea unui curs RYA Shorebased sau similar.


27 thoughts on “Dead Reckoning – elementele de bază

  1. The term comes from deduced reckoning hence ded reckoning, not dead reckoning. Also, if I remember correctly from my flying ground courses on navigation, we were taught how to add or substract from magnetic to true heading with the following sentence: East is least, west is best. So a west correction would require an addition, not a substraction. Hey, but I might be wrong on both. Look it up.

  2. Fantastic work. I am sharing this with friends. I would love to make such videos but have speech difficulties as well. Keep up the good work. Very clear, succinct and well presented. Excellent job! Thank you. Warm regards.

  3. I see land and sea on a screen. I am looking to know how you plot a couse. Like the Pannama canal to Australia, stopping at some of the islands. Can you point to a place (S) so as you go. You know where you are going. Maybe time to get there. Thanks

  4. Wrong! When variation is West he supposed to add to get True course. He subtracted so now he is 14 deg. off!
    "West is best" you add, "East is least" you subtract.

  5. sir good sir i wish i found you a few days ago so maybe i could just asked you if you could show us how to do runnig fix i have my last exam tomorrow i hope i will pass… but if you could post runnig fix one day that would be awesome thank you already

  6. I’m surprised at all the decision of conversion to true north. I understand the ultimate accuracy argument but we always just use magnetic for everything. Way simpler. Compass reads true, true is on chart and the variation changes so little it does not matter. We only had parallel rulers so after we had made our best guess at the course sailed ( to nearest 5 deg) we would walk that course from the compass rose magnetic ring to the last position we had plotted with DR or confirmed another way. If we felt like getting really fancy we would add the compass deviation but it was never more than 1-1/2 degs so not of much consequence.
    Much more important was to add the off set for the tidal current to the course.
    Thanks for posting about DR , still an important simple way to navigate.
    Cheers Warren

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