Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION

Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION

Muzica face acest videoclip de un milion de ori mai amuzant. Am văzut această versiune pe tumblr ( dar nu pe YouTube, așa că m-am gândit să o aduc pe peste. EDIT: Am răspuns la asta în comentarii, dar oamenii încă întreabă, așa că m-am gândit să-l postez aici – da, pisica a supraviețuit. Așa scrie în descrierea video originală. Videoclipul original aici:


28 thoughts on “Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION

  1. this is something we all know in our past and that we'll all remember. it's unfortunate future generations probably won't see this as they grow up.

  2. In my opinion, this cat looked like it was scared at the moment it was going to jump. That does not look like a short fall either.

  3. All these years and this is still my hands down favorite viral video on the internet. The choreography matching so perfectly with the music – it's sheer cat magic.

  4. everything about this video just comes together perfectly– the music in the beginning almost syncs up with the cat sneaking around, the ridiculous pose he strikes when he jumps and the way the poor little dude just plummets to the ground…everything about this is so ridiculously funny

  5. Thanks for being such a great kitty. You always made me laugh and you have one of the best videos on the internet and you are undoubtedly going to remain in my heart
    Stay awesome little kitty 🙂 💗

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