Buna! Iată interviul nostru cu Nathan Vella, președintele Capybara Games din Toronto, creatorul unor pietre prețioase recente precum viitorul SUPER TIME FORCE, EP-ul premiat SUPERBROTHERS: SWORD AND SWORCERY, MIGHT AND MAGIC: CLASH OF HEROES și CRITTER CRUNCH. Urmăriți (sau ascultați!) pentru a auzi câteva despre cum a apărut Capy, precum și o scurtă prezentare generală a operei lor. Mulțumim lui Nathan pentru că ai stat cu noi. Bucurați-vă!
Starea actuală: Nathan Vella de la Capy Games – Interviu complet

22 thoughts on “Starea actuală: Nathan Vella de la Capy Games – Interviu complet”
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Awesome interview! I'm playing S&S now and it' quite amazing; it really has some of those moments that you know will stick in your memory for a long time. Anyway, suggestions for other interviews: Brendon Chung/ Alexander Bruce/ Tomorrow Corporation
Great interview, "Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery" is an amazing game. I did not know of "Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes", but it seems awesome.
I really loved CLASH OF HEROES. It's a great puzzle-action game. Unexpected, yet really addicting.
This was pretty cool. Happy New Year! XD
Greate channel, check out my indie game related videos…
Great, keep it going please
great to see ya back man – was worried for a bit lol. these r very inspiring for me
Thanks, as alwayssssss!
All these interviews are great! But the one I'm craving is one with Phil Fish, because that guy is amazing to me and he doesn't do many since Fez came out
We'll try…
We'll get on the horn with that one! Thanks for watching.
Wow I'm shocked this channel doesn't have more attention! These interviews are super insightful and inspiring for aspiring indies like myself or anyone who likes indie games
Gotta get us that mail-order self-promotion kit!
Thanks so much for watching.
We'll get the word out.
Not quite at that level yet haha, once I finish my current game I'd definitely appreciated if you check it out though.
I agree, phil fish
I suppose there aren´t many capybaras in Canada.
Nathan Vella is my style icon.
clash of heroes is one of my top games of last generation
I'd seriously kill for an interview with Fish, but well… He just ruined his life and made it rather impossible to get his shit together and vine back and make more games.
Fez was pretty great!
But what sounds awesome is seeing USTWO there!
Monument Valley has been this killer IMO
Thanks! that was fun to watch
Can someone poke me when they release below!?