Cum să faci recif rapid și ușor – Skip Novak’s Storm Sailing

Cum să faci recif rapid și ușor – Skip Novak’s Storm Sailing

Partea 5 din seria Storm Sailing Techniques de la Skip Novak explică cum să navighezi confortabil în 35 de noduri cu această metodă încercată și testată. Vezi toate videoclipurile la


23 thoughts on “Cum să faci recif rapid și ușor – Skip Novak’s Storm Sailing

  1. All these tutorials are done in moderate to calm conditions. I would like to see this done in 30 knots. maybe with two people instead of three. Maybe single handed.

  2. Nice video, I would suggest easing the boom vang as the boom will go higher with the next reef, also put a little topping lift on before lowering the mainsail. I use a Cunningham to flatten the sail in heavy weather it's less strain on the halyard.

  3. The dead animal is a disgrace. Show some respect towards the animal who has lost its life to feed you and don't expose it there hanging in such dishonored way. Where is your consciousness???

  4. STEP 1: Have crew do everything, and you do nothing except bark orders at them.
    STEP 2: Hang rotting carcass of dead crew on back of boat who refused your orders.
    STEP 3: Watch how quickly and easily crew reefs when you tell them to.

  5. I feel stupid for not figuring it out years (or decades) ago. That's only because I deserve it, so no worries… 😉

  6. Don't yo love it when they show you how to reef in heavy weather while not being in heavy weather. The water is flat and they easily motor upwind. That's not heavy. That's picnic!

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