Jeremy și James se îndreaptă spre Noua Zeelandă pentru a lua parte la o cursă din Peninsula Coromandel până la vârful nordic al Insulei de Nord. James a trebuit să parcurgă 220 de mile (350 km) cu iahtul Oracle din Cupa Americii, în timp ce Jeremy a avut 410 mile (660 km) mult mai lungă. Echipajul Oracle a fost format din James, medaliatul olimpic cu aur Sir Ben Ainslie și câțiva câștigători ai Cupei Americii. Auris-ul lui Jeremy este o închiriere, deci „cea mai rapidă mașină din lume”, iar el are puțină atenție pentru siguranța lui… Preluat din Episodul 1, Seria 20. Abonați-vă pentru mai multe videoclipuri minunate Top Gear: .com/subscription_center?add_user=Topgear Top Gear Canal YouTube: Site-ul web Top Gear Facebook: http://www.facebook. com/topgear Top Gear Twitter: Acesta este un canal comercial de la BBC Studios. Servicii și feedback
„CEA MAI RAPIDĂ MAȘINĂ DIN LUME” vs Yacht | Cursa Noua Zeelandă | Top Gear

34 thoughts on “„CEA MAI RAPIDĂ MAȘINĂ DIN LUME” vs Yacht | Cursa Noua Zeelandă | Top Gear”
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In fact the Toyota Auris hase won . Because you can put bags and stuff in the Boot . The Racecatamaran can't .
5:31 , Wait ,is that Bleu in the door ?
Please come back to New Zealand and do a full length Grand Tour special!!!
AC72 beaut of a boat
I'm so glad May won!

Man they should use this sailing stuff in guantanamo
3:52 this is basically the equivalent of Joe Biden naming a beach yes I am aware that this is in New Zealand
3.10 he's on the Thames Coast, going in the wrong direction to get to Northland. 3.44 he's on 90 Mile Beach, which is nearly a 7 hour drive away.
To be fair James, your face wasn't red when you set off either.
Don’t be gentle It’s a rental
Erm top gear lied 5:31 Jeremy in a blue car cos look at the door trim but a few seconds later it’s red
"I've won…….haveiwon?………..have I won?"
This is one of my all-time favorite TOP GEAR segments!!!!!
Jeremy should have gone for a higher spec Corolla because they have sat navs
0:42 Ross Chastain moment
Look at James' right eye distorted due to water on the camera's lens at 3:29
He is in the blue car 5:31 when he should be in the red car
Look at door
This is the fastest car… pause… in the world.
It’s the fastest car because once you overtake one, it’s right in front of you again
James eyes trying to register whether the colour of Jeremy's car was red is priceless
at 5:30 the car is blue
Absolute beast
Watching a Corolla do this is wild
And of course, Jeremy intentionally runs the car into a ditch right at the very end of the race… Nothing staged about that at all!

James must had a good night sleep that day

LOL, every Top Gear race always come down to the last few seconds to see who won.
I think those with pcp cars drive in a similar manor.
Love when the team says it was red
intresting enough that little red 2013 toyota corolla is still actually on the road in nz. Its currently got 136,646 kms on it.
The FASTEST car in the world.
ah yes, funny thing is, i did use my auris in that manner, and it's fine
Man, I miss Top Gear