Test de navigare cu RS Aero – „Laserul secolului 21”

Test de navigare cu RS Aero - „Laserul secolului 21”

Matthew Sheahan navighează cu noul RS Aero, un monovol nou-nouț și uimitor de ușor, o barcă atât de ușoară încât cântărește mai puțin decât cărucioarele de lansare ale multor oameni


39 thoughts on “Test de navigare cu RS Aero – „Laserul secolului 21”

  1. I must try one. The only reason a Laser is a good boat for racing is the class racing at most clubs, in other ways is not a great boat. This is probably a better boat, perhaps in time it will provide the class racing. Meanwhile for handicap racing I suspect its the one to have.

  2. I've sailed one. they are great fun but that's it they are just fun. The laser is technical and has the advantage of being an Olympic class. They will be good for club racing but to appeal to most of the really competitive racers they need a big fleet of them.

  3. This shows nothing but how light it is, then some broad reaches…of which many boats will be 'fast'. Might as well go RS100, least the downwind sectors will be more fun with a spinnaker.   Otherwise?  YAWN!!!!

  4. "A hell of a lot of fun" to be sure but bloody well tiring if you wish to sail 3 olympic courses a day in a 7 day regatta.      Former Laser 1 racer.

  5. 48kg is still pretty heavy for a single handed boat. I sail a flying 11 and with a rig up that weighs about the same, but its a double handed boat with a much larger rig and complex fit out that goes much faster

  6. Fella's – sorry, but this is kinda boring. Laser II way more fun and challenging – downwind runs with only the centerboard and rudder in the water and one out on the trap. That's yeehaa sailing.

  7. The fact that one man can carry it for a beach take off makes it so appealing, but then trapezing becomes more important since where your weight is is more important on lighter boats.

  8. I'm looking for a fun boat to pootle about on, and this could be it.
    I'm wanting to recapture a teenagehood spent learning to sail on an even lighter boat – at 38kg all up weight, the South African Dabchick has been around since 1956.
    (Search Youtube for "dabbie sailing" for the best youtube clip, but "dabchick sailing" will get you a few more. There's even one sailing offshore at Durban in big seas lumpy enough to make me feel seasick.)
    The design remains virtually unchanged to this day, and its still going strong as an excellent training step up from Oppies, for teenagers. The dabbie is a veritable go-kart, bum skimming mere inches above, and often in, the water. I'd call it a sit-on-top windsurfer…
    The sailplan looks a little small by today's standards, but it's still quick enough to match a Laser. It has some technical element to extract the best from the limited sail area, but the light weight (for a 12 foot long dinghy) means it's always quick.
    But it was also designed to be made at home from three sheets of 8'x4' 6mm marine ply…

    I'm not as flexible these days, so the shallow cockpit of the RS Aero will be greatly appreciated. Now, if I could just afford one…

  9. I'm happy to live in a country that has training for sailors for 12$ a month with boat usage, all gear and stuff. No need for me to buy a boat for myself.

  10. This is a great boat for beginners or kids who want to learn and have fun at the club, just like rhe topper does, because they have squared like shaped hull they are more stable and easier to sail than the laser which will always stay for me the best single handed dinghy. Reason being that it is way more technical, the controls are better (just look at the vang on the rs aero) and the mainsheet is better because the traveler is larger and actualy fonctional. As a laser sailor that's just my opinion. 🙂

  11. You're quite a fit man! The 45 kg would not suit everyone 🙂 I was thinking exactly the same: a boom more and this was windsurfing. As an old windsurfer and new born sailor, great to observe. Very nice test!

  12. Wow I may be out of touch with dingy prices…

    I’m looking for something super light to take with me on a live aboard blue water yacht… at £7,500 I’ll struggle with an old
    Laser or stick to kite or wind surfing 🙂

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