Making History Gold: A Foothold in England (Germania TLOP #7)

Making History Gold: A Foothold in England (Germania TLOP #7)

Comisarul își continuă campania împotriva forțelor aliate bătute și aduce cu adevărat lupta împotriva Imperiului Britanic. Vor reuși ei să țină valul german sau Anglia va cădea sub puterea Germaniei?


12 thoughts on “Making History Gold: A Foothold in England (Germania TLOP #7)

  1. Great Video. Here are two ideas for after you take Britain. 1. Sneak a huge army over to Canada or the USA, putting a navy in ever sea space your army is going to go over for protection. Then land and Blitzkrieg your selected North American country. 2. This is for a was against the soviets. Place huge armies on the border with the USSR even in Romania's land so you get the land and they don't. Next place a army for a amphibious assault on Finland. Then finally declare war and pore over the borders. Be sure to get the southern oil fields and the Urals before your allies do. Just some suggestions. Maybe in option two the US could Allie with you. You never know. 

  2. Hi Commissar,
    I really enjoyed your video, and I would like to say keep up the good work. It was really funny, when you realized that the British was sending reinforcements to England. However, I think it would be a great idea to research on offensive and defensive tactics to make your army more effective and powerful against the British. I also think it would be great idea to invade the Swiss and Denmark.

  3. Damn it Commissar! Why do you always like to leave us in a cliffhanger?
    Still, I think you can take over England! Like @***** said, if you use your fleet, you can try to wipe out most of their forces before they make landfall.

  4. This game is absolutely fantastic. I'd recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it. It just seems to hit a sweet spot between ease of understanding of the rules/design and the strategic depth aspect. The Devs are big Axis and Allies fans so this is kind of like Axis and Allies on steroids.

  5. @Commisar BRO
    After watching this I tried a campaign on the 1936 scenario and found it nice and balanced. I had previously been playing the 1933 scenario as Germany because I thought that having more time to develop would work in my favour. It didn't work out that way because by 1938 or so, my economy is in fantastic shape with huge stockpiles of everything and a pre conquest Industrial capacity of 1200 but unfortunately Britain and France (Britain particularly) have had so much time to develop, which they have used effectively, that they are fielding enormous Armies and Navies with combat power of 2 and 3 thousand.

    Have you had any luck with the 1933 scenario? I'd also like to be able to get into Making History 2 because there's been so much added to it but every time I sit down for a session on it there just isn't the right "feel" to it. the WW1 one is nice as well but a little daunting.

    It seems to me that this is the best one. The only thing lacking for a perfect WW2 game is paratroopers.

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