Lucrul surprinzător pe care l-am învățat navigând singur în jurul lumii | doamna Ellen MacArthur

Lucrul surprinzător pe care l-am învățat navigând singur în jurul lumii |  doamna Ellen MacArthur

Ce înveți când navighezi singur în jurul lumii? Când marinarul solo Ellen MacArthur a înconjurat globul – purtând cu ea tot ce avea nevoie – ea a revenit cu o nouă perspectivă asupra modului în care funcționează lumea, ca un loc al ciclurilor interconectate și al resurselor finite, unde deciziile pe care le luăm astăzi afectează ceea ce rămâne pentru mâine. . Ea propune un nou mod îndrăzneț de a vedea sistemele economice ale lumii: nu ca liniar, ci ca circular, unde totul se întâmplă. TEDTalks este un podcast video zilnic cu cele mai bune discuții și spectacole de la Conferința TED, unde cei mai importanți gânditori și realizatori din lume își vorbesc despre viața în 18 minute (sau mai puțin). Căutați discuții despre tehnologie, divertisment și design – plus știință, afaceri, probleme globale, arte și multe altele. Găsiți subtitrări și subtitrări traduse în mai multe limbi la Urmăriți știrile TED pe Twitter: Apreciați TED pe Facebook: https://www.facebook .com/TED ​​Abonați-vă la canalul nostru:


22 thoughts on “Lucrul surprinzător pe care l-am învățat navigând singur în jurul lumii | doamna Ellen MacArthur

  1. It is inspiring how she went into her dream. Impressive. But Am I the only one thinking that some times people put so much effort and risk their life just for the shake of adrenaline? I mean it is great when you through so much risk and tough time for a good purpose ( not just a personal dream that has no good impact to other people or planet). Just a thought, might be wrong…

  2. Driven past her childhood home many times on my motorbike. Derbyshire lass (and in the UK, you can't get further from the sea than the Midlands) who pursued her dream. 👍👍

  3. You forget about service life of engineered components and energy required. Energy is the number one requirement for everything. To build recycle and move. Without a new clean energy system its game over.

  4. Im not trying to be difficult, but I don't believe that's true.
    Helicopter can't reach, Oki I get that one.
    Boat takes 4 days to reach, and 4 days back to port..It's a emergency, can't a medical crew cone along?
    And a plain can't land out there, are water planes strictly a Scandinavian ting?

  5. Perhaps is better to repair a car than to buy a new one but… The industry and the banks doesn't want that. Instead they say that that car is obsolete and that for circulate you need a new one… Credit, loan etc . thanks for the video

  6. Леди Эллен, Браво! Давненько мы с Вами не виделись…
    У нас есть план! Потрясающе! Вы бы сначала сняли штаны, да надели юбку… Если у Вас на это ума не хватает, какие глобальные «планы»?! Не смешите меня, не надо всё ставить с ног на голову. Знаю сколько вони поднимется на этот коммент со стороны «умных феминисток»… Побойтесь Бога, он создал женщину не для тог, чтобы она превратилась в мужика, а мужика не для того, чтобы другой мужик трахал его в задницу…Начинать надо с основ, научиться отличать истинное от ложного. Ясности Вам Видения, покоя и радости! Ваш Попутный Ветер. всегда с Вами.

  7. Trying to apply anecdotal experience to "climate change" is laughable. This is pure propaganda. She's either completely inept and detached from reality or she's a liar. Either way she is pushing control and the destruction of freedom and independence. I wonder what she was promised and paid to say these things? Ted talks are straight garbage for the most part. Case in point

  8. Nothing like going around in "circles"!🙃 Suggest Dame Ellen stick to sailing great circles instead! Sailing part of talk was good though. 👍

  9. You got big balls sailing the southern ocean, I'm Aussie and I sail but never would I go down there, it's an achievement that's not on my list, Bass Straight and the Tasman is enough for me. Congratulations though, what a remarkable feat.

  10. always interests me to read the comments, how people dont talk about the presenter not the topic, but talk about themselves

  11. very good allegory – Earth is our ship and we only have what's on it. when we spend it (or waste it, more likely) – there is no more. and when we waste the stuff that is crucial for our survival – we will die. we've known it for a very long time now and still we did nothing. of lately we are trying to make some "cosmetic" improvements, but that won't save us, or even postpone our demise.
    what she proposes will never work. for one main reason – human greed! we are so stupid that we think having more is the way to security. the "great" industrial revolution and all that followed were just tools that enabled us to spend and destroy more. but the willingness to do it was always there. technology advanced and we, the humans who invented it – we stayed the same.
    we already have circular economy – it's called capitalism. this innate greed is what it is based on – make more, sell more, throw it away, buy some more. it gives us false sense of security and wellbeing. even though we know we are destroying the very essence of our survival we still do it. primal instinct is stronger than reason. we will not change because we don't want to!
    like all things humanity will come to an end. it's the NATURAL way of all things.

  12. the boat was witch sail around the world as made in wood or plastic? fiber glass……. ahhhhhh!

  13. This is fantastic!! I can't believe that this week is the first time I'm viewing this. I plan to use this with my English students who will have an action research project soon! I LOVE your platform, that sailing is what brought you closer to this, and that you are "balls to the walls" giving this your all. Thank you. It's definitely both ambitious and inspiring! I love your correlations to your great-grandfather's life. "24 cars in the world" at the time he was (was it born?) around is really amazing. Estimating that he passed in the mid-90's, and wow what a contrast, right? Thank you again!

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