Laura Dekker | Cel mai tânăr circumnavigator care a navigat singur în jurul lumii

Laura Dekker |  Cel mai tânăr circumnavigator care a navigat singur în jurul lumii

Născută pe o barcă, Laura Dekker s-a îndrăgostit de navigație la o vârstă foarte fragedă. În discursul ei, ea discută despre aventurile ei în navigație și fiind cel mai tânăr circumnavigator care a navigat singur în jurul lumii.


34 thoughts on “Laura Dekker | Cel mai tânăr circumnavigator care a navigat singur în jurul lumii

  1. "Natural bravery"? How about brainwashed, groomed, manipulated child. Oh whats that? There was another boat 100 feet away paralleling her all the way. OK never mind.

  2. The country who refused to let her go was Holland (The Netherlands). We're a country of rules, and this didn't fit in. If it is out of the box, you better go to a different country!!!

  3. Way to go girl thats amazing brave def. dumb def. but you are a smart determend girl congrats that really is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! now enjoy life for few yrs before you decide to risk it all again lol.

  4. I only have grandsons right now, but you better believe they’re gonna hear this story. And, when I’m blessed with granddaughters, they’re DEFINITELY going to hear this story. Remarkable young woman.

  5. Many people in this world have dreams and talents. Unfortunately most don’t get to pursue those dreams due to lack of money.
    Yes she did complete a massive challenge. But…, it’s not a fair competition.
    Many people struggle with the day to day costs of just feeding themselves, paying the electricity bill, putting fuel in their car. Buying a yacht, all the equipment, all the support, man it’s just a dream.

  6. @ideacity _ NEITHER Laura Dekker or Jessica Watsonof were the youngest to sail around the world…. in fact, it was a boy that was 4 months younger than both of them, his name was Robin Lee Graham (Do any of you remember the movie "DOVE") _

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