Secret Cornwall – partea 1 | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Secret Cornwall - partea 1 |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

John Boyle se adâncește în puținele pârâuri și golfuri cunoscute ale terenurilor sale de croazieră din Cornwall cu Princess V39. Filmat și editat de Shark Bay Films: Abonare – Urmărește-ne – Facebook – http ://… Ediții digitale – Ediție interactivă (numai iPad) –


19 thoughts on “Secret Cornwall – partea 1 | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. Nice one John, under the tamar bridge & up the lynher was where it all started as a small boy for me and now we keep our boat in La Rochelle.

  2. Great videos John, but too short. Your visiting places most people never get to see, so please give more footage and details about the area, landmarks, and even the way of life in the communities you are visiting. Please keep them coming.

  3. What an amazing n beautiful place to be honest am really happy there is No motorway link between our big cities n this beautiful little paradise, so it will stay like this for ages, many thanks for uploading this little paradise part of England

  4. Beautiful footage fa real, yet I didn't feel was experiencing much of the boating which I imagine the narrator undertook? Still great production even the music!!! 🤣 is this drone footage? educate me.

  5. Fowey must have changed a hell of a lot since I lived there if people choose to describe it as "sophisticated" these days.

  6. If you want an idea for an adventure, try the Scottish isles. West coast. The more you look the crazier they get. All the little nooks & crannies you can get into, lochs you can enter. Lots of remote pubs. Otherwise difficult to get-to hills to hike. I'll give a touristy link for the Isle of Skye anchorages (inc nearby Islands) it just gives an idea of how fragmented the coast is. There are plenty of other islands and areas it's just for an example. Obviously a trip would need to be post-lockdown, but as hogging the EU coast is now more difficult (unfortunately in these Brexit times, let alone various lockdown issues which will continue to differ country by country) it might give a few of our fellows down south an idea of an "achievable" adventure that is beyond the local few marinas once the lockdowns start to lift a bit, hopefully this spring.

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