Partea 1 Întoarcere la Vella Lavella

Partea 1 Întoarcere la Vella Lavella

În 2012, Peter Sugden a retras angajamentele tatălui său din cel de-al doilea război mondial cu japonezii rămași pe insula Vella Lavella din zona provinciei de vest a Insulelor Solomon. Lt-colonelul AHL Sugden a comandat Batalionul 37 al Diviziei a 3-a NZ. Cu ajutorul lui Bob McCaw în fața camerei, Peter a vizitat toate locurile în care Battnul 37 era în acțiune și a vorbit cu un număr de bătrâni din sat, care și-au amintit de zilele în care japonezii le invadau satele. Călătoria lui Peter este înregistrată ca 4 povești video secvențiale separate. Partea 1 subliniază pregătirea forțelor din NZ pentru război în Pacificul de Sud, după intrarea țării în război, în sprijinul forțelor americane care i-au oprit pe japonezi pe Guadalcanal.


9 thoughts on “Partea 1 Întoarcere la Vella Lavella

  1. Where would I be able to find a copy of the first photograph shown of the soldiers enjoying the sun? I would like a closer look, one of the soldiers looks like my father.

  2. Its warm there.
    It has been in the low to mid 20's for a couple weeks in the climactic honey bucket I'm in.
    What I wouldn't give to be in the tropics or the desert southwest right now.
    Western WA should be where they exile the worst criminals to.

  3. My Grandpa George Ward was born in Scarborough , England and served in the 3rd NZ Division. He survived and was a Corporal at wars end. Not sure the unit he was with but they trained in the Kaimais and served in New Caledonia , Guadalcanal and took part in the Mono Island landing. Anyone who might know more about our Gr He didn't say much about the war but a few years after he died we found his diary from 1943. Any suggestions where our family could learn more about his service other than the Library or NZ Army records would be kindly appreciated. Lest we forget.

  4. I have written a book on Vella Lavella-"The Battle for Vella Lavella",McFarland & Co,2016.Available through Amazon.I have also written other books on 3 NZ Division.Sadly,the guys in the South Pacific never got their due.
    Reg Newell

  5. My father (RIP) fought on Vella LaVella at 18/19 years old in WWll. I know few details other than he was the rangefinder / computer on an AA gun emplacement. He was brilliant at math and engineering and that's what put him in that role. He never spoke much at length about the war. He did tell me several harrowing stories of fighting off Japanese air and water attacks. Super human, unbelievable type stuff but that's what goes on when you have young men, in situations like that fighting for their lives. It's getting hard to actually believe this all happened. I feel I need to go there to feel the sand between my toes also and fundamentally connect with my father's journey. It is revered ground in my opinion. What he went through formed the man I am today and the children I've raised.

  6. New Zealand 3rd Division deserves more recognition. Vella La Vella, Treasury Islands, and Green Islands – battles that need to be remembered.

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