Vă rugăm să ne susțineți: https://toptotop.org/donate/ Încălzirea globală permite prima trecere de nord-vest prin Fury și strâmtoarea Hecla și demonstrează pierderea alarmantă a gheții marine în Arctica. Familia Dario&Sabine Schwoerer cu cei 4 copii ai lor, bebelușul de 7 luni și 3 prieteni au deschis o cale maritimă mai scurtă de la Pacific până la Atlantic cu Expediția lor globală pentru climă TOPtoTOP. Familia a acoperit peste 100.000 nm în total în ultimii 16 ani. Toți copiii s-au născut în expediție.
Sailing the Northwest Passage 2016 – 5 copii și un nou pasaj

25 thoughts on “Sailing the Northwest Passage 2016 – 5 copii și un nou pasaj”
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what an amazing video and crew and adventure! congratulations and best of luck with whatevers next!
such a lovely group of travellers…thank you for your passion, rolemodeling and encouraging video……simply remarkable!
Fantastic. Great achievement! Cheers from yacht Moby Sweden
Amazing! Been thinking about that trip for awhile. Great Family.
Thank You for sharing
Inspiring. That.
Great video Dario! Fair winds.
Ice core data.
Wow, simply amazing voyage…you folks are so courageous and really living life!! Super cool next level! Great job with the family!!
Super Family! Super nav'.
As usual my next knife will be a…VICTOR INOX !
Kisses from France.
Thanks. Wonderful looking pirate troupe! Considered Polar magnetic reversal… country folks can survive; arrrrrgh, avast ye matees!
I was wondering if there were any Ice Breakers up in the passage in 2016?
Очень красиво! Мне-бы так в море выйти!!!
crazy bunch of sailors, befitting title of my collection, craziest being 8 month old Mia followed by next 4 and then the rest. Are these 5 the youngest of adventure sailors in history of sailing, excluding those BORN during sailing adventure? ? .God bless the parents for the faith in Mother Nature and their inbuilt courage. A grand education for those who care .
Awesome family and friends – loved the baby on the potty!
But so sad that you could actually do this…
Nice family…
So inspiring, enjoyed watching your video
We are a sailing family, too, would be great to get in touch! Best from SV Ponyo and the Boatnotes Family
I'm not convinced there is global warming going on…Look at the other end of the planet and it is gaining about as much ice. It may be natural. Humans haven't been watching the weather long enough to make truly informed decisions regarding weather over the long term. We haven't even recorded onE mini ice age or warming even for that matter…they usually last several hundred years. It's like dropping your five year old off at Kindergarten and having them say "I don't need school I know everything!" So instead of going through at least a minimum 13 years of school, one day even if a lot is learned by a child, is all that kid wants to understand! Weather researchers are having the same problem, with thinking they know everything yet without experiencing 100 year, 500 year, 1000 year, or 10000 year weather cycles. Ignorance is bliss. Though plastics are a problem I agree with the video regarding that point.
What a fantastic family, everyone chipping in and helping to achieve the task, great to see and in the process creating concerned and committed adults – thanks for sharing.
Just curious, what was the result of the microplastic experiment?
Magical family and way of life and what a beautiful song at the end of the video! who is singing that?
I was enjoying this video up until the moment you said at 10:19 that teenage suicide is somehow connected to climate change or "global warming". That's such a disgusting publicity stunt. Teenagers kill themseves in native communities because there is nothing to do and little hope. Climate has NOTHING to do with it. You are dishonest people. You completely lost my interest in whatever you're doing. Sell fear somewhere else.
I can’t even imagine the screwed up social skills (and future lives) these kids have
Whoa wow wow wow
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