UGA Sailing – 4 strategii de pornire

UGA Sailing - 4 strategii de pornire

Universitatea din Georgia Sailing Chalk Talk 4: Strategii de pornire Bine ați venit la noua noastră serie de videoclipuri! Creșterea noastră a fost exponențială și în eforturile de a ajunge la cât mai mulți oameni posibil din echipa noastră de curse, am trecut la discuții virtuale. Bucurați-vă! Parcare pe linie – 0:16 Shark Start – 2:26 Dip Start – 4:03 Port Tack Start – 5:21 Allison Chenard, Căpitanul echipei de curse US Sailing Nivel III Antrenor


27 thoughts on “UGA Sailing – 4 strategii de pornire

  1. Checking the port tack start is much easier than explained in the video. Go to the middle of the line, point head to wind, if your bow points more to the pin end, consider a port tack start. Also by doing this, you know which end of the line is preferred. An easy rule is: the end to which your bow is pointing more when pointing head to wind, is the preferred end to start from.

  2. I searched this but that Shark start looks extremely good to me because I am a green fleeter in opti, because not many people apart from me really do sit on the line, so I could be doing that but with an extremely open amount of space on the line, thanks!

  3. Thank you so much for all of the tips, they are really helpful and useful ask my competitors today when thanks to your tips i won all the races in first.
    please make a video on the upwind leg of a race.

  4. Port end flier, the start for the helm that bets their house on the turn of a card at the casino. Sail down the line on a reach, cleat your sail and go about now go back down the line and ask the question, am I over or under sheeted? You now know the bias on the line and can judge if the port end is on.

  5. Very good didnt realise they were all named. Not sure how you dip start these days as Im near sure you have to go around ether end to go through the start. Shark start and port starts are legends.

  6. Another way to see which side is favoured it to go to the centre of the start line and see which way the wind indicator is pointing if it’s pointing to the pin start at the pin and vice versa

  7. quick question when approximately would be a good time to start the port tacking teqnique like around 20-30 secs?

  8. I watched this video last week. Next racing day, I noticed the line was at least slightly pin end biased so I decided to start down the line. I ended up port taking the start and the line bias turned out bigger than I expected. I lead the next closest boat by 5 – 10 boat lengths. Thanks Allison. I owe it all to you.

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