„Nu concurați cu aceeași trei persoane” – Zona de confort – Boating Life Hack with Laser Performance

„Nu concurați cu aceeași trei persoane” - Zona de confort - Boating Life Hack with Laser Performance

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One thought on “„Nu concurați cu aceeași trei persoane” – Zona de confort – Boating Life Hack with Laser Performance

  1. Whilst this is loosely true. There is the plateau effect in every sport where we (the normal people) reach a good all round ability. There is far too much emphasis put on racing throughout the sailing world. The water can be enjoyed in so many differing ways aside from racing. For newcomers to enter the sailing world and most importantly stay in it we need to think of something far more attractive than saying come on join this race, get walloped for a season and decide the sport isn't for them. If we're not careful we'll go the way of Windsurfing in the late 80's where kit and speed improved faster than those who looked at taking up the sport. Great if you were in it – but not so good for beginners. Please RYA focus on other aspects for those looking at the sport for the first time.

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