Ne bucurăm de ultimele noastre zile în Puerto Rico, pregătim barca pentru navigare, participăm la Caribbean International Boat Show și pornim de la Fajardo Puerto Rico la Culebra. Îi urăm bun venit pe barcă unui nou membru al echipajului, Georgy! Vedeți noile noastre imagini cu drone. Deveniți un Patron! Avem nevoie de ajutorul tău pentru a continua să facem videoclipuri Ai vrea să ni te alături pe barcă? Vizitați pagina noastră GoFundMe pentru a afla cum puteți! Acestea sunt lucruri precum echipamentul camerei pe care le-am putea folosi pentru a realiza videoclipuri mai bune, pe care să le bucurați de dvs.: Facebook http:// Instagram Instagramul lui Megan Instagramul lui Georgy Herman Marshall Whisky Camere folosite: (daca cumperi de pe aceste linkuri obtinem un procent mic, nu te costa mai mult) Drone – Yuneec Typhoon Q500 4K Sony A6000 http: // GoPro Hero 4 Fuji waterproof Muzică: De unde sunt – Topher Mohr și Alex Elena Hit My Soul – Partener tăcut Piloți de Stone – Audionautix Typhoon – Tatono Mandeville – Kevin MacLeod Sunday Plans – Silent Partner Ticker – Silent Partner Hear the Noise – John Deley și cei 41 de jucători #sailing #sailingdoodles #sail
Navigați din Puerto Rico către Culebra cu două fete superbe – S1:E23

40 thoughts on “Navigați din Puerto Rico către Culebra cu două fete superbe – S1:E23”
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3:36 – throws plastic into the sea… really !!!!!
You my friend,,are to damn lucky to have 2 women with you…LOL
Welcome back Megan! Was it you that brought the new pooches t-shirts? Nice touch. Welcome aboard Georgy! I'm sure you'll fit in quite nicely with these 2 marauders.
My dude you made the right decision .time is our enemy
I just started watching you all and am now doing it from the beginning. Megan is a super sweet and fun crew member.
Tthey gave you a case of whiskey ?? Why can't I be that Lucky ??
Cheers to the crew, party on !
Hey Bobby just doing a throwback Thursday of Sailing Doodles. Do you think Megan would ever come back and crew with you again?
Hi there… What solar flexible array you were using? Also, what the M on the pga west cap stands for? Regards
These chicks are hot, Bobby don't waste your time, ask her to marry you!
Nice stash Bobby looks a little weird for a captain but I like it
How do the dogs potty? Do you train them to do it on the boat if its a long trip?
It’s JoBoo the god of professional baseball players.
Ohh boy I can amagine that boat is rockin when the sun goes down.
Hi, enjoy your adventue! Hope to one day do the same, so I enjoy the tips. But spamm, yukk!! Tuna or fruit in the tin would be my choice for staples
Megan is just the very best her smile lights up the whole world ,
Suggestion. To make retrieving the drone try using an old fishing net and rigging a couple poles to support the net. Land the drone into the net like the Navy or Army does retrieving one of their drones. the props might get stuck in the net but you should be able to undo very easily. Much easier than trying to grab the drone
How about getting another job.
Thresoms payed buy “ stupid patrons”
Boa tarde like confirmado

I love Culebras! I use to go there a lot since I was young! It has changed a lot for the worst, meaning, way to many people go there now days, that means more laws=more bullshit. Let me give you an example, we use to be able to put a tent in the sand, and ride horses in the beach; yes in the 80s
I had a stroke 4 years ago but fine now. I took sailing in college and had a blast. Love your videos! Megan's smile is infectious.
couple months later our island change for ever!!!
I want to tell you Bob. Megan’s Smile is the best. She is pretty as well. My all respect.
How did you get dog ramp towork
@1:36 so did Megan shave off her mustache?
And I thought I have drank all the sprits brewed in Texas but you showed me one I haven't yet Herman Marshals, give me time and as far as my New to me sailboat I am still working on that.
And I feel for your stroke problem, My Dad is 82 and his Aircraft insurance company is telling him they won't cover him flying his 1965 T35 Beachcraft Bonanza even though he is still flying 1942 MD DC3's for a military contractor.
Pretty sure you had the GoPro mount for the pooch on wrong.
As soon as someone mentions patreon my heart sinks a little and I lose interest
I always enjoy how easygoing these episodes are. Megan is a sweetie. Miss the pups but I understand how that goes. Thanks for the content always.
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam Spam, Beer and Spam.
Meg reminds me of those baywatch girls back in the 90s
The fins and size of the eye on that fish looked like a Dog Tooth Tuna which seemed appropriate.
Megan has the greatest smile!
I named my new Golden Retriever Maverick , just watching some old vids of yours, miss the dogs in your vlogs. I'm sure you get other patrons that lecture you on drinking alcohol so I will not do that.
Actually you’re a professional panhandler
Megan looks great even when she's buying shopping…..