În acest episod din Sailing Vessel Triteia avem în sfârșit totul cuplat suficient pentru a încerca să pornim motorul. Dupa ce am pus prima motorina in rezervor, am montat bateriile si am amorsat motorul in sfarsit dam o incercare!!! În episodul următor….. navigam! Sper să vă placă acest episod și, dacă o faceți, vă rog să-i dați un „degetul mare”! Am început să încarc videoclipuri „Numai Patreon” pe pagina mea Patreon pentru Patronii care donează un dolar sau mai mult un videoclip dacă doriți să vedeți clipuri care nu au fost incluse în episoade. https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames Fair Winds, Sailor James -- Câteva lucruri pe care le-am folosit în acest episod… Bidon diesel de 5 galoni http://amzn.to/2zcTzQ3 Fier de lipit și pistol cu suflat alimentat cu butan http://amzn.to/2zsfofk Kit conector pentru sârmă termocontractabilă http://amzn.to/2zcGkPF Bec de amorsare manuală http:// amzn.to/2xI2Xdh Baterie universală UB121000-45978 12v 100AH Deep Cycle AGM 12V 24V 48V (negru) http://amzn.to/2yqewIk –
- Anii 30 de la Alberg au fost de mult cunoscuți și respectați ca bărci de apă albastră Gelinas de Yves Jean-Du-Sud să fie prezentat în filmul lui John Vigor „Douăzeci de bărci cu pânze mici pentru a te duce oriunde”. Acum sunt mândru proprietar al Hull #55! Vino alături de mine în timp ce o remontez și o iau pe navigație în pregătirea pentru circumnavigarea mea peste câțiva ani! Urmăriți pe Instagram: http://instagram.com/james.the.sailor Și, desigur, vă rugăm să vă abonați la videoclipurile mele la: https://www.youtube.com/sailorjames
Navă cu pânze Triteia – The Iron Genny – Partea a IV-a – Episodul 9 – În sfârșit, începem Yanmar-ul!

32 thoughts on “Navă cu pânze Triteia – The Iron Genny – Partea a IV-a – Episodul 9 – În sfârșit, începem Yanmar-ul!”
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Congratulations for a job well done. Good to see who is behind the camera because you are a team. Cheers
Nice! You got her running, cool video, look forward to the next one! nice to see your partner. Sailing Dijan
congratulations! hard works paying off!
Great job! Thanks for sharing! Greetings from a sailing family (currently sailing in Portugal)
Great job
Market yourself, don’t be shy- be proud
She is so beautiful and real. Glad she came out from behind the camera. You guys make a great team. Love your videos!
What a great feeling of accomplishment. Fair winds brother!
And, great first mate. It's so much nicer than looking at your ugly ass.
Btw, have you come across "The Corsair" sailing vlog? He has two boats, a Cabo Rico 38' and a 30' Sea Sprite. Both are beautiful boats, but the 30' is very similar to yours. Your boat can take you anywhere in the world. Thanks for giving her life again! FW!
should get her on more often, whole lot prettier than you its all good.
Nice job! What did you let the smoke out of?
Wonderful video. I'm hooked on the experience. Your helper is wonderful too. How do you spell her name? Encourage her to keep making intros with you. It's strange to think all this took place in July. Makes me wonder what's happened in the mean time.
tap tap tap….music to your ears
It all came together nicely, James. Looking forward to seeing the sailing vids. Good job.
Nice sailing video. have you shared any of them on sosailize.net wall? ( its a free sailing community )
Good progress.
So what was that lever? you pulled to make engine run?
I really enjoy your adventures working on Triteia. I sold my boat. Realized I made such a bad decision. Living vicariously through your videos. Waiting on the next episode anxiously. Just a big thanks…
Good job man, nothing like getting the engine going, sounding good. Stoked for you. Stay safe out there. Andy UK
keep it up.
If you want to replace that valve where the water comes in when you were diving before the check the prop some boot stores sell wooden plugs that look like a cone what you do is you put the wooden comb in there and take a rubber mallet bang it in there and then you could use the pipe wrenches on the inside and then you didn't have to have water squirting all over the place I did that once for the bathroom on a boat just a suggestion Greek channel in the way of showing how to repair different parts of your boat
just make sure that when you run the engine for any length of time idle it up to between 1100-1400rpms. like when charging batteries etc. and run it for at least a half hour. nothing will damage a diesel engine faster than just straight idling. and quick starts and stops.
congrats on getting her going!!
She dislikes the camera but the camera loves her
Kate Bush.
lol. That intro!!
Great impersonation!
Great job on that boat!
Well done James
what a woman !