Broșură video Royal Huisman NGONI (19 minute)

Broșură video Royal Huisman NGONI (19 minute)

„Fă-mi o fiară. Nu-mi construi un lup în haine de oaie”. Folclorul constructiilor de iahturi poate avea acum una dintre cele mai citate cereri ale proprietarului din toate timpurile. „Emotionant”, „Radical”, „Energy”, „Uimitor”: acestea sunt genul de cuvinte care au salutat sloop-ul de înaltă performanță Ngoni, de 58 m / 190 de picioare, în întreaga Mediterană în vara anului 2017. Proiectat de Dubois Naval Architects și oferind un interior inovator de Rick Baker Ltd, Ngoni este lux, precum și „rapid și furios” – produsul unui design îndrăzneț și minimalist realizat cu o calitate impecabilă a construcției de Royal Huisman. Exteriorul elegant și frumos executat al lui Ngoni ascunde o serie de inginerie inovatoare pentru a face față provocărilor de a combina o platformă uriașă, puternică și avansată cu o carenă zveltă și ușor de condus. Ngoni – 58m / 190ft – Dubois Naval Architects – Interior: Rick Baker și Paul Morgan – Design de iluminat: The Light Corporation – Management de proiect: Godfrey Cray Maritime Ltd și căpitanul Iain Cook – Constructor: Royal Huisman, 2017 Imagini foto și video: Breed Media – Muzică: Bensound, Nuclearmetal, Xova – Editare video: Royal Huisman Website: Urmărește Royal Huisman: Instagram: Facebook: https://www. LinkedIn: Twitter: ROYAL HUISMAN – SPIRITUL INDIVIDUALITĂȚII #ngoni #thebeast #58msuperyacht #duboisnavalarchitects #rickbakerltd #royalhuisman


49 thoughts on “Broșură video Royal Huisman NGONI (19 minute)

  1. NGONI is the epitome of the modern sailing yacht! I'd like to see Royal Huisman build the APEX 850 concept vessel! I'd have the prototype built myself if I possessed sufficient capital…..

  2. Well done Royal Huisman, with love to all details. I would have chosen different colours, shapes and material in specific areas, but this is only my taste and view of the perfect ship for me and the family.

  3. Always thinking better Edison generators and dynamos easily replace fossil fuels and create unlimited electric power and water
    Sharply keel the mast and headsails and see normal sailing speed. Super modified Royal

  4. Its amazing but I wonder how much fuel it takes to run those electric and hydraulic systems aboard the vessel while sailing. Its a sailboat but all those systems have to have some large power generation to operate.

  5. Yacht designers have got to stop using canned recessed interior lighting. The outside of Ngoni is stunning. The inside looks like Bloomingdales.

  6. SO beautiful! I wish I was the dude who delivered 2 large pizzas for 50,000 Bitcoin back in the day, I'd buy this in a second!! I am surprised she's still for sale! Every single mm purely gorgeous! Even the way the wires for the side railing disappear into the bow, sheer perfection every where you look! 18 minute video took me 38 minutes because there is so much beauty and jaw dropping details to look at, I had to keep jumping back. One of the most beautiful machines Man has ever created, Love!

  7. The crew get the better deal on the interior design. Rich folk are obsessed with marble bathrooms, brown and shit plastic art. A lot of these yacht interiors actually make me feel queasy. It's weird!

  8. The helm stations should be forward adjacent to or just aft of the mast with access there to the nav station for the crew Then the living quarters/indoor outdoor space can go all the way aft separate from the crew. The coach roof can go higher to just under the boom and there should be no steps from the aft deck through to the entertainment lounge dining area. IMO.

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