10 zile nebune la Fantasy Fest din Key West (Sailing Satori) S1:E19

10 zile nebune la Fantasy Fest din Key West (Sailing Satori) S1:E19

Alăturați-vă nouă în călătoria noastră prin Fantasy Fest 2017. Ne-am distrat de minune și am întâlnit atât de mulți oameni minunați. Este o plimbare sălbatică! LINK-URI ÎNFERATE: SITE-UL SAILING SATORI – www.sailingsatori.life VISITAȚI PREZĂMINȚI: Pictură corporală realizată de Airbrush Artist: Marcio Karam – www.mkarts.com Sailing the Space Between – www.youtube.com/sailingthespacebetween Sailing S/V Ohana – www.facebook .com/sailingsvohana PATREON http://patreon.com/sailingsatori – Sprijină-ne pe Patreon pentru filmări nevăzute. MAGAZIN AMAZON http://amzn.to/2vBxtYM INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/sailingsatori FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/sailingsatori CUMPĂRĂ-NE O BERE http://sailingsatori.life/support-us


45 thoughts on “10 zile nebune la Fantasy Fest din Key West (Sailing Satori) S1:E19

  1. WOW, sailing out of Duluth, MN. I am a 52 year old pure Minnesotan and if you sailed out of MN that is impressive. Duluth is great but sailing is not thought of long term. Entertaining none the less.

  2. Satanist’s…

    Giving glory to a wicked demon
    What will u do on judgement day
    When u MUST give an account of
    You wicked lives and for giving honor
    Praise, glory to satan… stealing the glory away from Jesus Christ but giving it
    To the father of lies…

  3. My wife and I love keywest and we have watched your videos before there awesome my wife loved the body paint we noticed your hat do we hope what we think it means

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