Comediantul Lavell Crawford răspunde la carnea de vită cu Tony Rock | Universul lui Sway

Comediantul Lavell Crawford răspunde la carnea de vită cu Tony Rock |  Universul lui Sway

În timp ce se afla la Caroline’s pe Broadway toată săptămâna, comediantul Lavell Crawford și-a făcut timp să treacă la Sway In The Morning TJ să facă câteva glume și să vorbească despre problema cu Tony Rock. Abonează-te la Universul Sway pentru mai multe Urmărește cele mai bune din Sway în dimineața Vezi mai multe din Universul Sway http://twitter .com/swaysuniverse


29 thoughts on “Comediantul Lavell Crawford răspunde la carnea de vită cu Tony Rock | Universul lui Sway

  1. I absolutely love Lavell Crawford !!! He is so damn funny!!!!!!! I love that he’s living healthy, his weight loss is phenomenal . Looking good Lavell!!!!!

  2. Lavelle is by far the funniest comedian working today ! I've never seen him do anything wether it's a podcast or an interview or a stand up routine ……that isn't gut busting funny .The guy is just hilarious !

  3. You want a lure for every thing get three different sizes of shiners. They're painted like the starsky and hutch mobile on one side and gold on the other with a treble hook behind. I've caught massive stripers in Lake Whitney as well as crappie and catfish if you feel it slow so it skims the bottom. Crank it fast near the top when it's sunny. When the stripers are running medium crank to get under 15' deep.

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