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Ei îmi spun Red Emotion- Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 84

43 thoughts on “Ei îmi spun Red Emotion- Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 84”
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great video awesome views at night …
Top lady
Love my Opal Ice Maker. I was at least that excited too.
Reminds me of that scene in "Cannonball run" where they're loading case upon case of beer into the car "Did you bring enough food? <passes small bag of chips> Plenty!"
That dude is cool
"Ice is civilization" -Harrison Ford in Mosquito Coast
More videos….
1 per week please
nice video, I love your positive attitude. Nice color para sailor. Neat nail colors
About every 28 days I call my girlfriend (RED EMOTION) also. She's still trying to figure out what I mean by that

Sonic ice? Yes! The best ice!
Beautiful parasail
Not bad from a geckos eye view.
Everyone is on the ol’ Michelob ultra lately.. I started finding out how many calories are in beer recently.. ruins all the beer fun hahaha. Maybe I should make the switch
What’s up with the VMFA 232 shirt? I was VMFA 232 E/S 99-02.
I too love you as we life

welcome Thank for you 

Wow you Luke great Becky!!!
Hey, the guy in the red T- shirt says "BILLABONG " ! I know of a bar/restaurant named the "West Fork Billabong ", in Darby Montana. Is that shirt from there ? I know what a "Billabong " is !
Pearl jam!! Good taste in music
best and inspiring..
This is very cool your just a few blocks away from me! When was this?!
John is the kind of people you want to be around to have fun.
Hey Geckos, can you provide some info on the headsets that you use when anchoring, please? Are they Bluetooth off of cell phones or are they stand alone radios?
Hi! My wife would like to know where you got the grey swimsuit? Great vid by the way!
Canada a second world country? WOW!
Wow this so awesome to see someone enjoy life I love it
Have a blast
need a deckhand
That looks like fun.
You are very nice
Brittany beautiful as ever.x
Did someone put the lights off at 01:28
Love ur videos
Good night
Que Deus te abençoe você é está família maravilosa linda modelo e bailarina e atriz gosto muito de você e este excelente comandante fica com deus e uma boa viajem e um bom vento
Love your production style! This episode with John was really good his energy and icemaker really fun! You can really learn something from this guy! Great camera work….
Linda maravilhosa

you are gorgeous
You guys are awesome! Thanks for all you do! Great program!
You are so beautiful that the angels will be jealous of you
So very beautiful ..

my friend