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Demontat pe mare – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 85

35 thoughts on “Demontat pe mare – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 85”
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hi guys from iraq so cool
Great video. I can see why it took so long to post it. Are you buying this cat? Sure hope so. It fits you all perfect. Love Ya.
Wylding an Outremer 5x was talking about Upside up system that would release tension when the cat got over powered
Think maybe the de-masted cat's antenna was in the water and they had no HT.
Great vid. Thanks for taking us along!
0:38 There's just something about a one piece on a gorgeous woman that is so god dam sexy it drives me insane.
Probably less hurt pride keeping the dismasted cat from answering and more they just tore off the coax to the antenna when the mast came down? Good reason to carry hand held and keep charged.
Love the vids guys!
The other boat that would not respond back to you on the radio probably had there antenna on their mass therefore it did not work when you tried to call them
How far delayed is the content? @ 5:00 mark you passed Boca Grande in the Winter!
WOW. I've seen a 16' Hobie de-masted a couple times (It was a rental on a lake known for strong afternoon winds), but nothing that large.
The other boat likely had no antenna. Good reason to carry a spare and a handheld VHF. So Brittany, when do we get the whole story on the boat deal?
Maybe think about a mini grinder instead of bolt cutters. It has more uses and smaller
In years to come you will reflect on these passages with fondness and nostalgia.
We all take life for granted sometimes but I gotta say how jealous I am. A beautiful wife, lovely kids and a lifestyle whilst never free of problems has most people's daily grind beaten hands down
I thought all cats had reefing charts?
AWESOME as usual,Brittany you are a beautiful woman!!

I hope you guys decide to get a Cat seems to fit…
What's the name of the Oakleys Jeremiah wearing?
Looks like you steamed out of Boca Grande Pass? Where did you moore up for the night in Charlotte Harbor?
You guys rock… One day I will get there
for some awesome fishing at pulley ridge.. you got to do it!!!
Not 1st…..But still checking in.
Cool vid as always!!!
Keep the light shining on the water not the boat because you loose your night vision
Loved being stationed down in the keys!!!!!! Miss that place DEARLY!
Awesome video! From content to music to editing, you guys do it right!
In the video you mention you are heading to key west. Im heading to key west next Friday. Was curious as to where you chose to anchor. Don't hear great things about wisteria in terms of holding. If possible, let me know your thoughts.
One of many reasons not to own a cat, wouldn't that be fun 1000 mile of shore.
Thank you @ lazy gecko
Wow… Love it. We are the ones honored. Thanks for taking us along.
like yes
Getting dismasted can be a harrowing experience. It is more likely from rigging failure than poor seamanship. Stainless fittings can give little to no warning before failing, meaning, even with regular inspection and replacing standing rigging per schedule, one can find themselves dismasted. A good seaman might get his his craft and crew home in one piece, if he salvages the rig as well? That makes him a bloody good seaman in my book. Luck comes in two varieties, good and rotten!
Beautiful Cat
Nice. …

Your children MAY NEVER KNOW SMOG, MORTGAGE, great job MOM N DAD

Hey love this! What is the song you used with lyrics I knew a women named Jezabel?
Could one of you please explain what a reef is? I’ve heard John talk about using a reef when the wind is really blowing. Could you please explain to a layman what it is?