2. Cumpărarea unei bărci cu vele în Europa | Partea 1 | Căutarea | Cum să cumperi o barcă în Turcia

2. Cumpărarea unei bărci cu vele în Europa |  Partea 1 |  Căutarea |  Cum să cumperi o barcă în Turcia

Tocmai am cumpărat o barcă cu vele în Turcia! Ne-a fost greu să găsim informații despre proces și deja am avut oameni care ne-au întrebat despre asta și au solicitat un videoclip. Așa că am făcut tot posibilul să trecem prin procesul așa cum l-am experimentat, în speranța că îi va ajuta pe alții care ar putea lua în considerare să cumpere o barcă în Europa. Sunt destule informații, așa că am împărțit videoclipul în 2 părți. În acest videoclip, partea 1, vorbim despre căutarea unei ambarcațiuni în Europa – cercetare, cum să găsiți cea mai bună valoare, site-ul pe care l-am folosit, brokeri, negociere/preț, inspecție și cazare. Partea 2 vom vorbi mai multe despre procesul în special în Turcia – a face o ofertă, negociere, proces pe mare, sondaj, mai multe negocieri, documente, transfer de bani, procură, notar, număr de dosar fiscal, agenți și taxele acestora, înregistrare și de – pavilion, proces de export, după ce am cumpărat barca și potențiale pericole. Sperăm că veți găsi acest lucru de ajutor într-un fel 🙂 Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare, sperăm că v-a plăcut videoclipul! Dacă doriți să urmăriți aventura noastră, vă rugăm să vă abonați 🙂 Dacă doriți să urmăriți călătoria noastră pe instagram: Tracey: https://www.instagram.com/trace_y02/?hl=en Jason: https://www.instagram. com/jase_stephens1/?hl=en


22 thoughts on “2. Cumpărarea unei bărci cu vele în Europa | Partea 1 | Căutarea | Cum să cumperi o barcă în Turcia

  1. I just found your channel. I hope you continue to work on your vlogs, just keep posting regularly and your views will continue to grow. Nothing is boring if you are enthusiastic about your yacht and sailing adventures. Its your channel to do with what you like, but here is a useful video to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KplSIu7ZAvk&t=239s
    Be careful with ambient noise. Wind noise is really annoying when you are trying to tell your story.
    Subscribed. Cheers

  2. Volume goes loud and soft = NOT RELAXING TO WATCH! …so i will skip your ads, and not subscribe, but if you're lucky i might look to see if you get this sorted sometime in the future.

  3. Hi guys, we are leaving Australia and coming over to Europe to buy a boat! Any chance of having a chat to hopefully pick your Brains? Cheers

  4. I love your You tube channel already. I am looking at buying a Discovery or a southerly 48 in 2020. I am in the music business and manage songwriters/bands if you need any music let me know. PS Your Volume is fine!
    Im from the Uk and live in Southern California. Cheers keep up the Good work.

  5. Thanks heaps guys! I’m very grateful for the benefit of your experience and for you telling it plain and simple. One question; how much time are you allowed to spend in Shengen countries as Aussie yachties?

  6. Hi Guys,,, Amazing,, I like your yacht and Video. I have project to buy yacht and travel. What is your boat name and price range please? Thank you

  7. Hello i would like to by a boat too my budget its a little more than 50K, ill have a little question i dont know anything about sailing but am a great mecanick 38 years old redy to start my adventure sailing around the world, any womean with a sailing experience would be more then welcome sailing with me.

  8. Hey , I just come across your youtube channel and so impressed.
    We are planning the same think to do in future getting thinks together to do !!
    But we don’t really have sailing experience, I just wonder how long experience do we need to do sailing a long turkey to Greece islands like yourself

  9. Hi guys,I congratulate you
    Many people asking same questions.Buying a boat or yacht from somewhere.I start to work on one option,which is the best way for thrust and sailing safe.I would like to help for buyers as advisor skipper.I think somebody needs that.They would like to buy a boat but they don’t know about transportation.Brokers threat like commisioners but They have to know about flag changes,transportation,taxes bla bla.I think If possible,advisor skipper is the cheapest option.

  10. Hi @Sailing Kawai,
    how was the survey done? Did you guys find the surveyor yourselves? Were you happy with him/her? If you recommend the surveyor, any chance you can provide the contact information? Thanks.

  11. I wonder what value you place on the lost 6 months? I can see that you have spent something like 5000Euro on accommodation plus car hire etc. If a boat is fundamentally ok would that money not have been better spent on boat improvements and living the boat life?

  12. if a sailboat


    in the palm of my hand

    would blow with feeling

    And let it go on forever

    towards my heart

    My heart

    the calm of a sea

    That keeps such secrets

    Several shipwrecked

    and no time

    Rhymes of winds and sails

    Life that comes and goes

    The loneliness that stays and enters

    Throwing me against the pier

    Rhymes of winds and sails

    Life that comes and goes

    The loneliness that stays and enters

    Throwing me against the pier

    if a sailboat


    in the palm of my hand

    would blow with feeling

    And let it go on forever

    towards my heart

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