Pentru a marca cea de-a 20-a aniversare a cursei de iahturi de la Sydney la Hobart din 1998, Four Corners a dezgropat acest episod de arhivă care investighează ce s-a întâmplat în acel eveniment fatidic. Șase marinari au murit și cinci bărci au fost pierdute când o furtună teribilă a lovit strâmtoarea Bass în timpul cursei de iahturi de la Sydney la Hobart din 1998. Privește înapoi la această investigație a lui Debbie Whitmont pentru Four Corners, care reia evenimentele oribile care s-au desfășurat de ce a fost atât de neașteptat. Pentru mai multe de la ABC News, faceți clic aici: Abonați-vă la noi pe YouTube: Pentru ultimele știri, abonați-vă la @ABC Știri (Australia) Ne puteți da like și pe Facebook: Sau urmăriți-ne pe Instagram: Sau chiar și pe Twitter: /abcnews
Cursa mortală de iahturi de la Sydney la Hobart (1998) | Patru colțuri

29 thoughts on “Cursa mortală de iahturi de la Sydney la Hobart (1998) | Patru colțuri”
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What subhumans rich people are.
It seemed unconscionable that other competitors ignored the mayday distress calls of their fellow yachtsmen or that the mayday calls were ignored or arbitrarily downgraded and people died as a result, or that the contest was held at all considering the weather warning and (deliberate?) misleading forecasts…until I read that it costs many millions in "launch costs" per vessel and that tens of millions in "PR exposure" were at stake for winners. So people lose all humanity when money is at stake. Make sense now. Yech.
49:10 I want to jump through my phone and get into this guy’s face. People died but “ we enjoyed the race. And got a good result”
Watch the "Cruel Sea" about the fastnet tragedy if you read this.
brother's keeper, one for all, all for one. the sea remains the same. peace to those lost now& long since past.
i lost a boat in 160 knot winds ,hurricane charley in 1986 in the azores i was singlehanding from bermuda to the uk .
Everyone has just as much trouble as you and you don't just get helicoptered out. Save yourself until your in a life raft than you rate higher attention.
Way too much money just plain stupid
Way way too much cash
Taking resources from people that need it
The yatching club tried to wash their hands of their responsibility. Nascar & Indy cancel races or restrict them if it rains or if there's excessive crashes. The race disorganizers just blamed the skippers for the safety of their boats. They just chuckled when asked who makes the decision to halt the race 25:08. Us worried, nah, this event will increase the interest in the race.
I had read about mariners in the old days let small drops whale-oil glide down the side of the hull where the waves was coming from. The oil would made the wave go under the boat – instead of breaking on top of the boat/yacht.
I think it has something to do with friction and oil will always be on top of any water surface.
What happened to the good Samaritan law? How miserably selfish some can be.
the Australian weather bureau got of very easy here been listening to there forecasts since the 1950s neve have i heard them forecast winds stronger than 55 knots makes no difference if a category 5 cyclone was sitting over Sydney the wind would only ever be 55 knots.
RIP Mr Skeggs from Tasmania.
These guys – the entire bunch of them – are ALMOST as annoying as the Mt. Everest crowd. Ugh.
Bunch of arrogant yachts men create a bumbling disaster.
“Whose to blame?”
Arrogant yachtsman: “it’s the weather folks”
“You mean the ones that predicted the weather,and you chose to ignore?”
Arrogant richo: “yeah them, they’re to blame”
Uff you wonder why majority of normal people can’t stand rich elites, even when they wrong they can never accept blame and always have to pass the buck.
24:31 says it all… The entitled and arrogant will pay the ultimate price… Shame so many had to learn such a hard lesson.
At least we learned a lot from the incident.
“Just a Yacht Race”! Is the Kentucky Derby just a horse race? Is the Super Bowl just a football game? Is the Stanley Cup game just a hockey game?
Surely if you were wanting more information in a survival situation you should have asked for it rather than hoped for it.
Do these race boats now have access to tech things? Satellite phones? Predict winds? Etc?
Everyone knows the Bureau of Met is only taking a 50/50 guess as to what my happen. Ultimate responsibility lies with the individual skippers of the yachts.
I appreciate this type of sailing 'floats their boat '
But for me I can't think of anything worse than racing.
The other boat may have been struggling as well.
Here I am, years later, to say Thank you! And congratulations and another thank you to the reporter, who asked the tough questions and then asked the tough follow-up.
One of the rescue helicopters measured a wave at 42.5 m (120ft).
Whoops somebody f***ed up