Ep 44B Demo Palan solo de pânze din cabina de pilotaj pentru navigatori solitar aspiranți

Ep 44B Demo Palan solo de pânze din cabina de pilotaj pentru navigatori solitar aspiranți

Am primit numeroase solicitări de la navigatori solitar aspiranți pentru a arăta cum ridic pânze singur. Iată demonstrația mea despre cum fac asta din cabină. Există multe variante ale unei teme despre cum să faceți acest lucru. Nu pretind că acesta este cel mai bun mod. Merge pentru mine.


43 thoughts on “Ep 44B Demo Palan solo de pânze din cabina de pilotaj pentru navigatori solitar aspiranți

  1. I sail single handed too, but have to go to the mast to hoist my main. The thing that makes single handing easier is the autopilot no matter how you hoist the main. I had a season without autopilot and coped OK, but it's so much easier with autopilot for hoisting the main and doing fenders and ropes prior to parking. Good videos. Salty Lass put me on to your Sound Of Jura vid and I like your style.

  2. As an aspiring sailor I thank you for such a concise demonstration all the main points of this maneuver. So refreshing to have someone just get to the point. Well done and thanks again.

  3. Noob question here, what is the red line on the main sail? Hope to get a sail boat one day, these videos is so inspiring! Cheers from Norway!

  4. Hi Patrick, thanks for another informative video. A major issue I had on a recent coastal trip was avoiding creel buoys. As a solo sailor I found it quite stressful in having to maintain an almost constant forward view and often had to adjust direction to avoid them. I’m of a mind to install a folding prop and shaft knife when the boats next out of the water but wondered if you had thought through this issue at all. Many thanks, David, SV Mr Benn.

  5. I'm not sure whos sailing season I enjoy more, yours or mine! Thanks for posting your videos. They are always worth watching.

  6. By the way, you're Always welcome for a glass or even a bottle of Chataeu Neuf du Pape here (my wifes favourite)! Let me know when yo're in Kattegatt!

  7. Patrick, could you please show me the ‘anti-friction ring on the Genoa. I’ve never even heard of one before. I am always amazed at the number of vastly experienced sailors and racers who haven’t figured out about figure-eight coiling of the halyards and sheets and ESPECIALLY runner tails, to prevent twisting and the ensuing spaghetti factory mess of same! Thanks for the demo, I enjoyed the vision… Cheers, Mike

  8. Super videos Patrick, much enjoyed by my husband and I. As one of those classic nervous sailing wives your videos are an inspiration. If we ever bump into you in a marina the drinks (Chateauneuf of course) are on us.

  9. Your sailing videos are great very informative and inspiring you deserve way more than 20k subscribers

  10. Sat evenning and you've just sailed past my house and boat! I'm tied up tonight, to use an appropriate pun, but if you're staying in Pwllheli longer than tonight, I'll show you around Snowdonia tomorrow. Ask the marina office for my phone number. My boat's called Conspiracy and my number ends 111. Can also offer you a glass of a certain red wine! Lovely to see you sailing past the St Tudwal Islands. Best regards Mike Crummy

  11. Thank you so much for the lesson. I want more of these! I've learned something today.
    PS. Get electric winches? They only need you to overhaul your entire electric system 🙂 .

  12. Patrick,thanks for sharing this video. I do plan to get out on the water on my own. Today I spent the morning working out how to reef the main sail on my 14ft Wanderer dinghy. I've now got the reefing line all nicely rigged so that I can do everything singlehanded from the helm. That includes raising a lowering the main and furling the genoa. By the way did you call in at Cardiff after Milford Haven?

  13. I hoist the Main exactly like you with a very little difference: in rougther seas I often lower the lazy drop system to not get caught with the sail in the strings. Little more work but no fiddling around with somthing else …

  14. Patrick
    You are the best on YouTube
    Serious question

    When will you be launching your bikini range
    And will you be modelling it yourself ?

  15. Hi Patrick.
    I am enjoying your videos very much. Just one question, how powerful is your Volvo penter and what speed and range does this give you?

  16. Lost my boat in Harvey a few years back and didn't acquire another. I just figured that I was getting too old, but you have got me looking for something bigger than my 29… maybe in the 40 ft range. Thanks for the inspiration Patrick…

  17. Another thing I found really useful sailing solo was a light line attached to the mail halyard shackle and run down the mast and back to the cockpit, used as a downhaul when dropping the mainsail. Saves going up to the mast when the main gets stuck on the way down (it always does once in a while, for me with regularity!). Just remember to release it when you haul the mail halyard next time!

  18. I race dinghies and crew on big boats. You made me go back to an idea of solo sailing. I love your no nonsense approach to sailing and life. (I assume) Thank you for taking your time to post your adventures. Fair winds and following seas.

  19. You said in the intro that there may be better ways to do that. I actually don't see how to do that differently if you don't want to leave the cockpit. What were you referring to? Another question: is the mainsail firm enough along the mast? Are there possibilities to haul it really close? And just an additional question: can you show taking a reef without leaving the cockpit?

  20. I really enjoyed that sail. Just like being there without getting out of breath. Since we have progressed to the elderly side we installed a wonderful power winch for that, also because we need to haul up a 150kg centre board which used to be a real sweat producing exercise. I really appreciate your videos Patrick. Thank you for posting them.

  21. Yes Patrick you are Popeye the sailor man x air man with to much time on your hand or all dressed up and no place to go lol.

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