Tic Tac OZN Zero Point Energy | Amenințarea climatică este cu adevărat otravă | Epoca de gheață Göbekli Tepe [DISCUSSION]

Tic Tac OZN Zero Point Energy |  Amenințarea climatică este cu adevărat otravă |  Epoca de gheață Göbekli Tepe [DISCUSSION]

SuspectSky prezintă cele mai bune observări, analize și cercetări care provoacă gândirea despre OZN și alte fenomene ciudate care se petrec pe Pământ și nu numai. Întotdeauna critic, mereu vigilent. Trimite-ne imaginile tale OZN-uri, persoane din umbră sau alte activități ciudate și ajută-ne să continuăm căutarea adevărului și să expunem lumea reală în care trăim. Consultați documentarele noastre de lungă durată care aprofundează fenomenul Vizitator și paradigma socială în care există civilizația noastră. sub. Prin filmări captivante și investigații profunde, documentarele noastre de lungă durată îi permit spectatorului să ni se alăture într-o călătorie experiențială, lăsându-i să-și formeze propriile concluzii cu privire la cele mai profunde și existențiale întrebări ale timpului nostru – și din toate timpurile. ––––––––––––––– + Suspectsky.com ––––––––––––––– + Cumpărați tipul Cartea V: suspectsky.selz.com –––––––––––––– –- CONECTARE: + E-mail SS (Întrebări, Filmare): contact@suspectsky.com + Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuspectSky + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuspectSky/ Din 2012 am pus laolaltă puzzle-ul – sperăm să vă abonați și să ni vă alăturați. VERIFICAȚI CONTRIBUTORII SS ÎN ACESTE ALTE LOCAȚII: Gary: https://twitter.com/garyl_?lang=ro Tony: http://gunsandbutter.org/ Todd: https://9rese.com/ Cyril: https:// www.instagram.com/mendo_waterdogherbfarm/ LINK-URI: https://www.kesq.com/news/valley-west-nile-presence-unprecedented-spraying-planned/1084419750 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05 /26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html https://twitter.com/blackvaultcom/status/1136027768402006017/photo/1 https://www.generationim.com/firm-overview/our-people / https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/11/03/blood-and-gore-making-a-killing-on-anti-carbon-investment-hype/#7c61a4f432dc https://www. .collective-evolution.com/2019/04/09/worlds-leading-authority-on-aluminum-toxicitys-gofundme-to-study-aluminum-in-vaccines-was-shut-down/ https://realfarmacy.com /fluoride-lawsuit/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15287394.2018.1477640?journalCode=uteh20& https://www.space.com/dead-intelligent-aliens-save-humanity.html https ://agupubs.onlin elibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019GL082464 https://www.rt.com/news/461331-macron-moron-priest-investigation/ https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi ?article=3172&context=dlj


39 thoughts on “Tic Tac OZN Zero Point Energy | Amenințarea climatică este cu adevărat otravă | Epoca de gheață Göbekli Tepe [DISCUSSION]

  1. You got the ice age thing wrong, the ice age ENDED around 14,000 years ago, not began. As it was ending, some catastrophe happened that caused the Younger Dryas period, when the temps sunk back down and then came back out of it very suddenly. Gokbekli tepe came AFTER that, and the animals are likely celestial representations.

  2. RE: Fertility and the Gardasil vaccine, I cant help thinking that maybe the lower pregnancy numbers could be as simple as socio economic issues. Where I live the parent has to actively consent to have it done (I didn't for my daughter) but it is a trueism that in disadvantaged lower socio economic families that calls for 'parental consent' for various things at school, routinely go unanswered. (No judgement here, just the way of things). So extrapolating on that in broadest terms, if girls who don't get the vaccine are from lower socio economic families, they may have a higher pregnancy rate due to this factor alone. I know in my country that this has been shown to be true. I think it could be this simple although I agree a fertility control agenda here would make a lot of sense as this dubious vaccine has been rolled out and pushed heavily in most countries in the world.

  3. Australia still adds fluoride to water. Link –https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/health-advice/public-health/health-effects-water-fluoridation – NHMRC has recently finished a thorough review of the latest scientific research relevant to Australia on the potential link between water fluoridation and human health. NHMRC has confirmed that community water fluoridation helps to reduce tooth decay, and that there is no reliable evidence that water fluoridation at current Australian levels causes health problems.

  4. I was a bit worried when Diamonds friend who talks on permaculture, has the 3 interlocking circles of
    agenda 21 Equity-environment-economy, whilst the principles of permaculture seem like common sense, never the less the words involved are buzz words of the agenda 21, sustainability, resilience, etc.

  5. I think they're using the global warming (climate change extreme/risk/etc) narrative as a means by which They can baby step Their way into the next phase of energy – which already does exist… it would/could put the oil and USD industries out of business if released too soon. They're always doing this baby step nonsense to brainwash and suck more money, life and intelligence, out of the people… when in reality, the technology we have needed has already been created and is being utilized by Them (one place in particular is in Their underground bases and cities). They already know, like we know, solar and wind power are not solutions to the energy we need, that whole greenwashing and the entire Green New Deal, is nothing more than a baby step (for Their wallets) and a means to drive the people further into slavery and dumbness/ignorance.

  6. The past two day's they have fuckin dumped that chem on us out here in Cali-Ente! Massive dumpings of it 6 planes wide side by side dumping it out . Today same shit!

  7. Thank you SS team. And by the way, I live in Slovenia, EU. The spraying is just absolutely crazy here lately too(actually the whole year). So no excuses I guess. Be safe and best regards.

  8. fluride has been used has been used in the southern states of australia for teeth health, the states that did not use had bigger decay problems in teeth, dont know if they are still using it down south

  9. Most of the numerology regarding 9 is an artifact of our base 10 numbering system they go away when working in other bases.

  10. If there is (really not if) in Doug Vogt version of catastrophe when the planet stops and or reverses I believe that is how G/T was buried..?

  11. They are spreading UFO stories for a reason…and it's not going to be good. They, the controllers are really doing too much, something is coming, something that most people will fall for, it's disturbing what is being allowed by these psychopaths ! Remember The Fever of 57'..The Sputnik Movie, by David Hoffman…they are experts on propaganda.

  12. why is this crazy? UFO false flag was said years ago that to prepare the public for the upcoming false flag UFO for the initial martial law and U.N. takeover!! You people are quick to forget, but they dont!! They will initiate a plan later if they are first found out like years ago! Wake UP!!!!!

  13. This taking down of America has been on going for many years, https://youtu.be/qlpODYhnPEo
    We are the last stand, as far as the controllers are concerned, eugenicist like Bill Gates, and many other hidden groups are I believe, acting for others which I won't say, because most could never accept the thought of them..but, long story short, since I found out that there's are no forest over 300 years old in this world…I began to look at everything in a different way..
    Yes, there are older trees..Red Woods etc..but just a few, all protected and numbered.

  14. Just learned that the CDC has been doing their own patents on viruses, now why on Earth would a supposed protective agency be allowed to patent their very own viruses ? Well..folks I think from all that's seen and unseen humanity is in big trouble !

  15. Stop the fluoride and start eating tamarind nuts to remove the brain effects. Calcification of the pineal gland. Your third eye…intuition…awareness.

  16. @ 07:00 lolz gary having a good ol chuckle!!

    Cyril not giving two f•ckš funny az!!
    “I can explain it all”

    Go team, lovet #seriously

    Adelaide puts ppm of fluroride in our drinking water..

    Melbourne/ Victoria, does not.

    ppm is parts per million.

  17. Okay,others a planet that kicks our tale every 3500 years or so,with aliens. Just before it hits,they harvest,then hop off before the rocks hit. Colbern (spelling) bible called it the destroyer. It's close. It's coming.

  18. Kinda late response to this vid but this definitely did not happen with bad motives behind it. This whole AATIP and tic tac event being discussed in nytimes led many people including myself down rabbit holes where we actually learned what the SSP is for the first time and made us even more suspicious of powers that be. No way in Hell that whoever enabled this story to be let into the publics attention could not forsee that coming. The deep states time is up and our hidden history will slowly but very soon be unvealed to humanity (one way or another) and the advancements of man will be implemented into everyones life not just the filthy few. Just look up Age of Aquarius. Its happening!

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