În cazul în care ați ratat-o, următoarea ediție a The Ocean Race va fi contestată de două clase diferite de ambarcațiuni: IMOCA 60s complet nou, super rapid și plin de foi și VO65-uri cu un design care ne-au oferit curse atât de intense ultima dată. afară. Tot ce trebuie să știți despre cele două clase în 2021-22. MusicBed SyncID: MB01YPRX2BGATIB Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: https://goo.gl/BzBCwU Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: https://goo.gl/nrB9ay Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/theoceanrace/ Urmăriți pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceanrace/ Citiți mai multe: http://www.theoceanrace .com
IMOCA 60 vs VO65 | Cursa Oceanului

35 thoughts on “IMOCA 60 vs VO65 | Cursa Oceanului”
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go Matchrace 60 vs 65
That was very informative. I was actually asking myself how these boats would compare. Nice!
I'm impatient to see the reunion of one of the greatest race around the world with the most powerfull monohull class. It will be amazing. I also hope that some talented international skippers will be interested by doing the Vendée Globe in the next editions. It's a great race too !
Non sailor here
I say that because I look forward to following this race every edition
So epic in nature and the coverage is amazing with the drones and helos used in filming
Good luck to all the sailors
I love it! We need more of these kinds of videos on youtube. Technical sailing stuff but simple enough for the average sailor to understand. I love learning about the technology and advances that are taking place on high end race boats.
i can't wait
Whilst I agree the IMOCA is an exciting direction to take the race, I worry that with a significantly reduced crew, the race is losing the key element of this adventure…the human story.
I like the idea of the boats being used for more than just the Ocean Race, but I fear that with so many other commercial commitments it’ll water down this great race (initially known as ‘The Whitbread’).
I see a plethora of single-handers who are vying to take command of a crew for the next addition, but the burning question is: Actually how good are they at sharing their toys?
Anyway, wishing safe and fast sailing to the the crews of the next edition!
I've been a fan of the Ocean Race since it was the Whitbread, and to be honest I thought to move to one-design was a mistake. I liked the bespoke boat designs – particularly their fragility.
I'm looking forward to the next edition more than I have in several years.
Ça me fume leurs vieux accent français
It's sad they're ditching the one design boats with identical sails. It made for extremely close and exciting racing. Bigger differences between boats means it's less interesting to watch. Anyone remember the absolute pointlessness of the 2010 Americas Cup?
Can these IMOCA vessels go straight downwind fast or do they need to do a broad reach downwind like the Volvos?
When you watched the last VG and the last (V)OR, seeing all of these IMOCA people in OR videos feels like watching crossovers between superhero movies.
Bows always underwater..design flaw?
Very interesting, just love watching the awesome performance of these vessels and of course the brave competitors!

Interesting, keep them coming
Amazes me as to having a micro kitchen to save weight but 100's of kilos of water rushing over and loading the boat
We are neighbours with these boats at the submarine base in Lorient. Watching these incredible boats emerge from their hanger and launch is incredible. The racing teams and support teams on the dock are the nicest people you'll meet.
Novasail is your navigator for sailing. Advanced Wireless Sailing Technology, the devices for the sailboat community. http://www.nova-sail.com
Сколько узлов идёт эта яхта интересно?
Truly amazing to watch the evolution of sailing. The canting keel was a major development, then came the foiling boats, which were all multi-hulls. Now we see a foiling mono-hull being built.
Why haven't any IMOCAs used pedal grinders as opposed to hand powered? Didn't they watch the last America's Cup? Also Franck Cammas used a bike when he sailed Groupama 3 in the Route du Rhum. Legs are more powerful than arms.
Qual a velocidade média desses veleiros?
Always sleep with your feet facing forward. That way if you hit something, your feet not your head will stop you punching through a bulkhead.
How you "drive a sailing boat"?
please do not let The Ocean Race become as boring as The Americas Cup. The spectators would like to see real boats sailing.
Take a drink every time he says "obviously." RIP
ffs she is a complainer big time!! I can't sail here because I can't feel the wind, but I also can't sit here because omg there's too much wind
I am really looking forward to the imocas, not only different boats, The ability for crews to use their boat to its strengths. Good autopilots have been around for a while, if this change is the entry of auto pilots into the race it would have happened anyway. I read somewhere that the imocas would have close to the same crew as the Vo65? Is this true?
Yes yes Tech stuff……are the CF hulls painted or vinyl wrapped? Type of Non-skid on the decks? The clipper race boats have nice non-skid….I'm refitting my boat and wanna look kool! TY
What is the price in euros such a boat?
I prefer the classic vor65, or I should say I prefer the one design philosophy. However the ocean race will be great as usual
Bonjour samantha DAVIE
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