Care este momentul tău preferat de Cupa Americii – Peter Montgomery

Care este momentul tău preferat de Cupa Americii - Peter Montgomery

Care este momentul preferat al lui Peter Montgomery din numeroasele campanii de Cupa Americii la care a fost martor din 1980? ABONAȚI-VĂ la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: Apreciați Cupa Americii pe Facebook: Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: www.instagram .com/americascup Fiți la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: Cea de-a 36-a Cupă Americii prezentată de Prada va fi disputată de câștigătorul Cupei Americii 2017, Escadrila Regală de Yacht din Noua Zeelandă reprezentată de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand, și câștigătoarea Cupei Prada, seria de selecție a provocatorilor care are loc în ianuarie-februarie 2021. #AmericasCup #AC36 #Auckland2021


39 thoughts on “Care este momentul tău preferat de Cupa Americii – Peter Montgomery

  1. These are the real Cup boats, the new fancy flying ones are spectacular, but not for this class. They are good for formula racing, but for America's Cup, please bring back real sailors, sailchanging , winches and spinnakers….

  2. Has to be 1983 in Newport Rhode Island. The Aussies ending the longest winning streak in the history of sport on their turf. NOTHING will ever rival it.

  3. If you love sailing, no matter what gadget a boat brings to the course, its wrong to not watch if youre landlocked in the dead of winter.

  4. 4:37 Looks like ultra slow motion vs the new AC75, heh.. Also.. the difference is that the new AC75 does not need a spinnaker or asymmetric, because due their speed, the apparent wind is always in front.
    Still, there are things that were more exiting about the old American´s Cup. The movie "the wind" capture that quite nicely.

  5. New Zealand winning the Americas Cup in 1995. It was a special moment for the country and I'd place it above the 1987 Rugby World Cup victory. Team NZ dominated the regatta and throughly deserved the Cup.

  6. Used to be like a chess game. All strategy. Great for people who understood it all, eg the sailors / serious fans. But not so good for the person that only tunes into a few races and the general public. The new boats are engineering masterpieces though.

  7. So you're telling me that the US team were lying during the race and weren't playing fair? How pathetic

  8. When Australia one sank. “What goes down faster than a steinlager? Australia one” (the add in the next days paper said)

  9. I miss Peter Montgomery's commentaries of Americas Cup. He should be the automatic Television choice in my view.

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