Cum arată o noapte la serviciu | Yacht Arience

Cum arată o noapte la serviciu |  Yacht Arience

Părea că ți-a plăcut videoclipul meu „cum arată o zi la serviciu”, așa că iată cum arată o noapte la serviciu. Veghea de noapte este obișnuită pe majoritatea bărcilor pentru securitate și pentru a pregăti nava pentru ziua următoare. O altă premieră pentru Youtube pentru a vedea acest tip de conținut, sper că v-a plăcut! Vrei să lucrezi ca membru al echipajului de iaht? Vizitați Instagram: MAGAZIN AMAZON: Essential Gear https://www. Pro Gear Magazin complet Echipament esențial pentru ambarcațiuni: https :// – Urmărește iahtul: – Urmărește căpitanul: – Urmărește-l pe Bucătar: – Urmărește-l pe Becca: Ghidul complet de yachting pentru începători disponibil AICI pentru 5$: https://www.jaredwatney Portofoliul meu online aici: Susțineți-mă pe Patreon și obțineți informații suplimentare și acces anticipat la videoclipuri. Întotdeauna răspund lui Patreons!


23 thoughts on “Cum arată o noapte la serviciu | Yacht Arience

  1. Here is a question for ya… If you wake up at midnight to start work. Do you have breakfast or dinner? And when its 8am do you then have breakfast or dinner? OR do you just have breakfast cereal like me about 4 times in a day?
    Lastly, I appreciate every single subscriber here. Thank you for ALMOST 100k. Giveaway details soon.

  2. Rookie golfing error. Driving with the ball in front of your centre. The ball should be ever so slightly behind your centre. The first officer has it more or less level with his front foot which is WAAAY to far forward. That’s in serious “chunk” territory. He’s going to Gunell every shot.

  3. Hi Jared. I’m a new subscriber and just wanted to let you know how nice it is to see what life is like on a yacht for members of the crew. I’ve watched many super yacht videos and feel like I have a good idea now of what I’d want if I was ever able to afford one, but wondered what the crew did on a daily basis and the videos I’ve seen from you so far have done a great job of explaining that, so I’m looking forward to watching more. Thanks much for a very straight forward, well produced, no nonsense video highlighting your typical night shift on a charter yacht.

  4. Nice video. I always wondered what it would be like to actually see what preparation and work goes into a enjoyable trip on a vessel like this is for the crew. A friend once said to me. It's their jobs that you have a safe and enjoyable experience. They are totally awesome people.

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