Sailing Scotland – Sailing The Sound Of Mull – Episodul 3

Sailing Scotland - Sailing The Sound Of Mull - Episodul 3

În acest episod putem să punem toată pânza noastră și să avem cea mai bună velă de până acum și, de asemenea, să obținem un F8 foarte neașteptat, făcând călătoria puțin mai puțin distractivă…. Matt poate să încerce și pescuitul în Tobermory, dar lucrurile nu merg. mergi așa cum a fost planificat pentru el. NOTĂ: Trebuie să plătiți 2 GBP pentru 7 minute de duș la Tobermory, pe lângă taxele de acostare 🙂 Vă mulțumim pentru vizionarea videoclipurilor noastre nebunești 😀 Dacă doriți să fiți la curent cu noi, atunci ne puteți urmări pe facebook sau Instagram. Avem și un site web cu mai multe informații despre Morna și istoria ei 🙂 Love Matt & Paige


35 thoughts on “Sailing Scotland – Sailing The Sound Of Mull – Episodul 3

  1. So refreshing to watch a sailing video that doesn't have half baked women and men with white sand beaches and it's colder outside and colder water. I'm from the Northeast of the usa so it's cold water and cold air 7 months out of the year. And Scotland is a beautiful place to sail around

  2. Great to see you back on your new vintage boat. Hey! I grew up thinking mackerel was only good for bait but when we hook one now, when trolling, it's almost as good as a tuna. Bleed it and slice it sashimi style. Bit of wasabi and soy, Yum! The bigger ones put up a good fight too.

  3. Matt appears to be a better fisherman than I….. ;-D (I wish I were kidding.) I love the "new" boat! Looking forward to the tour!!!

  4. Congrat for the BOAT! She is sure is great lookinG vessel! Could You give us a boat tour? You have some varnishing to do… if Yous need some tips visit Ottilianas channel.

  5. File of or crush the barbs on your hooks, that way you can just shake them off without harm. Fish like mackerel don't survive handling for very long:-)

  6. Love watching your videos but you had me shouting at the screen when you were fishing. Please knock any fish you are keeping to eat on the head immediately and put others back in the water speedily – don't delay to show it to the camera or wait for it to stop wriggling! There is lots of info online about the most humane way to do it. Fair winds.

  7. I Just bump into your Channel. Exzellent in all Matter. Good music, nice Views, funny…Well done. Makes me hungry…to See scotland, britan again. Thank you

  8. Beautiful couple on a beautiful sailboat in a beautiful country (with an adorable dog)…what’s not to love about this channel? Did you make videos on purchasing and refitting Morna?

  9. I'm not a sailor but I'd like to ask if you could have avoided some of those mooring fees by anchoring your boat? I'm enjoying following you , partly because you're in my home waters but also you have a very natural way in front of the camera. Stay safe!

  10. You could fish forever and never catch a fish by the tail, This is great, Not many ships you could stand in the saloon and take a shower under the main hatch in the rain…. Crazy

  11. Greetings from Okinawa 😀. Just found your channel and I’m loving it! Beautiful boat, love the scenery and great company. Thank you so much for sharing your adventure 👏😎

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