How to Passage Plan (Sailing Virgins) Ep. 24

How to Passage Plan (Sailing Virgins) Ep.  24

Planificarea pasajului este o abilitate cheie în navigație. Acest episod vă duce prin elementele fundamentale. Link pentru a descărca PDF-ul de o pagină: Aici sunt defalcate: 1. Navigare a) Ieșire b) Peste c) În d) Andocare 2. Mediu a) Vremea b) Maree 3. Barca a) Hrană/Apă/Îmbrăcăminte adecvate b) Experiență echipajului c) Echipament de siguranță d) Combustibil e) Întreținere f) Documentație/Documentare ambarcațiunii Aplicațiile despre care am vorbit despre Navionics și Navily. Aici le puteți găsi: ? Dacă doriți să lucrați la planificarea trecerii cu noi pe un curs de navigație certificat ASA, consultați cursurile noastre în BVI, Croația și Tahiti aici: https://sailingvirgins .com/courses/ Credință video: Mulțumesc Forrest Ladkin, legendă, și mulțumesc Celine pentru tranziții/titluri Trimiteți un e-mail la dacă doriți să luați legătura direct cu Forrest. Credite muzicale (00:02) Immature Dreams de Liam înapoi (13:00) Cosmic Current de Soul Catalyst x Peitzke Puteți găsi aceste melodii și multe altele în lista noastră de redare Sailing Virgins Spotify!


20 thoughts on “How to Passage Plan (Sailing Virgins) Ep. 24

  1. Great Video. Without reading all the comments, (I am sure someone may have mentioned it.) Some refer to the graphical version of your video as Pilotage. Awesome work!! I hope to sail with you guys one day

  2. This is great but I am missing a topic and not sure how you call it …. this route was easy because you were able to lock on the 60 for majority of the way on close hull… great. How do you do you planning saying you were going head wind and you need to begin you zig zag … how do you do that type of planning? Is there a name for it ? (I call it navigating by the wind but its just a made up)

  3. 👍.
    What was the second resource you mentioned for finding local info such as moorings, bottom info, etc? Thanks 🙏

  4. What a joy to watch. I know these waters well and have sailed them many times as a passenger. I’m looking forward to bringing my yacht from the UK and sailing under my own steam. I’m hoping to be in the Tobago Cays by early next year. Thank you for this video. 🙏🏽

  5. During the "Cross" part of your passage you maintained a magnetic heading of 060. Are you constantly adjusting your heading ever so slightly (leeway, set & drift, etc) to stay on the track generated by the Navionics Chart ? while accepting whatever the Apparent wind direction and speed prevailing at that time and you set your Point of Sail (Close Reach on that day) accordingly ?

  6. Oh wow – what an amazing video – really brings passage planning to life! Thank you sooooo much James for another sensational video – I'm on day skipper theory at the moment so wonderful to watch:-) and day skipper practical soon!

  7. Thanks for your super clear, short and good looking videos!! So much better than loads of other channels.
    Could you do a short intro to keeping a log. There are loads of vids on this but most are 30mins and yawn yawn yawn!
    Pretty sure you guys would do a way better job on just the basics.

  8. Very simple and good explanation of know how to come up with route heading on both paper charts and digital units. extremely well done.

  9. Thank you guys for your awesome videos, they have given us the confidence to start our sailing adventures! Thanks for demystifying and simplifying so eloquently, with humour and style. We are now happy mooring, tacking gybing and using all your tips – definitely looking good now!! 😉 Sarah and Phil, UK

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