Iahturi de vânzare: https://bit.ly/3f2TR2L Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys https://bit.ly/3yPe1Z5 Vă mulțumim Deniza @AMELS pentru că ne-ați arătat și ne-ați lăsat să filmăm pentru a împărtăși acest videoclip uimitor de #superyacht cu Lumea! Am fost impresionat de luxul, stilul și măreția ei. ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NAUTI: https://www.patreon.com/NautiStyles CUMPĂRĂȚI LOOK-UL MEU: https://www.amazon.com/shop/NautiStyles URMĂȚI-NE: https://www.instagram.com/nautistyles https:/ /www.instagram.com/rico_rox_stoll Ne pare rău, băieți, ni s-au acordat doar 30 de minute pentru acest Tur, iar bucătăria, camera mașinilor și locațiile echipajului au fost OFF LIMITE pentru acest Tur Lăsați comentarii și întrebări mai jos. Mă voi asigura că răspund la fiecare:) #NautiStyles Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. Urmărește-ne: https://www.instagram.com/nautistyles https://www.instagram.com/rico_rox_stoll https://nautistyles.com/index.html https://www.facebook.com/NautiStyles/ // CUMPĂRATĂ NAUTI GEAR: https://shopnauti.com/ //CAMERA UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – https://amzn.to/31gjSoZ ○ Microfoane fără fir – https://amzn.to/2FE0XNq ○ Microfoane cu fir – https:/ /amzn.to/345jjQT ○ Card SD – https://amzn.to/3j76sSv ○ Gimbal – https://amzn.to/3k9vXUr ○ Light – https://amzn.to/3dzBotx //SUBSCRIBE AICI: https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCRft… //WATCH NEXT: ○ SuperYacht Refit 2-Part: https://youtu.be/_AeuUo5AFPI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxwJLFLjykY ○ Turul în două părți Majesty 140: https://youtu.be/g37wYhEinUU https://youtu.be/g2ZlQZlUM9o Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
155.000.000 € Cel mai mare SuperYacht AMELS HERE VINE THE SUN Mega Yacht Tour / tur privat Sub punte

35 thoughts on “155.000.000 € Cel mai mare SuperYacht AMELS HERE VINE THE SUN Mega Yacht Tour / tur privat Sub punte”
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Как же херово я живу, как таракан.
To have a whole level of the boat be a master's suite is pretty sweet, but those master bathrooms are shockingly small. Could they not spare a little more room for arguably one of the most important rooms in any abode? //// And do I see CAMERAS in the staterooms????!?!?! Why on earth would there be cameras in the bedrooms? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I saw at least three staterooms with security cameras.
I've been drooling over big yachts since the Bergers of the 1960s, but this is the first one that has me thinking "nah, too much". I mean, come on, who really NEEDS a yacht bigger than 70 meters, right?
Yawn. I don’t see anything remarkable, it’s just another massive vessel, void of groundbreaking imaginative flair.
hi im apolo very nice
I still never found a 007 boat i would probably only use it in freshwater
You two look like sisters!
I always find it interesting how as rich as these people claim to be you can't have shoes on while on board because they don't have money to clean the floors!
Remember ladies do not per take with darkness evil whoremorger men or evil. These doing wrong u will be held accountable it is written. Besides that glory for body see for Jesus Christ no one but ones museums there angels husbands is allowed to see his wife or bride body naked he owns has control over. We don’t want no more mistakes by u as God told me at work No more mistakes he comforted he will judge u and these resobsonable for not getting n serving me. A heads up no more whoremorger serving Dan bizarre naked n exposed agednsa ladies angels n thes who did porn that ur sin u carry. Remember that.5.0
that's magnificent
The floating stairs are the best floating stairs I have seen on a boat .
Never before have I seen such a vulgar display of wealth. It has given me such a realization of impending total consciousness that the oligarchs of this world are totally in charge of us all. So…if ya can't beat em join em, I wish

rico and mrs. v you guys totally rock…
I'll never understand humans, whoever bought this could've experienced more with a bag of psychedelics and a VR headset for less the 2 grand. You know these people are just lifeless husks. Like wtf are you going to with a yacht go sail around the ocean like it's 1642? GANNA GO PLAY LIL SAILOR BOY? You running a fishing operation? You looking for sunken ships? Buried treasure? The fountain of youth? Like whats the actual end goal here, to bang hookers while snorting coke in international waters? Honestly makes no sense to me.
De esto abandonado ?
Ji ji ji ji miles de todo tipo …
Your a rock in a box of rocks
Thank you to give me the best idea to build a business

Lo compro si incluye a las dos vendedoras
Too expensive.
Great yacht, not so much the tour guide. The young lady was pleasant but had no technical experience. The description was choppy and incomplete.
In 2023, owned by New Zealand's perennial richest person, Graeme Hart. He amassed a packaging empire using leveraged buyouts.
I am one of the important clients
Why, in any well-regulated society, would any individual want or need more than $1,000,000 per year? Why, in any well-regulated society, would any individual want or need to live in poverty?
€1.35 million for 12 people for one week. You can have that many people in a much nicer 5 star hotel by the beach and pay a fraction of that (and without the motion sickness)
Watching this in 2023 and just thinking about how nobody in this video, made in 2019, had any idea of what was coming.

Esse mega Yacht top
E pra voce ver que nao é tanto gasto igual o povo imagina . Voce com o Yacht , só precisa de uma equipe , uma marina boa , e mais nada . Final de semana vai com a familia , os amigos , bom que os que eu vou presentear a familia adam pode viajar o mundo inteiro , nao tem mistério . Chegou nas ilhas maldivas precisa abastecer ? Coloca na conta do mashiach , isso , o dono do cofre 713 , beleza ?
La tem marina boa eles fazem o reabastecimento , para nas ilhas , curte , porque a vida é curta e bela!
O brasil precisa se desenvolver com esse dinheiro vindo de fora , porque ele tem que aumentar a sua produção em muitas vezes , entendeu ? Pra conseguir atingir um plano de abastecimento de suprimentos , grãos , metais , peixe ( psicultura o futuro ) , entao nós temos que desenvolver a produção do brasil , pra ele se tornar grande , um grande exportador! Entenderam ?
Entao resumindo , o Brazil precisa desse dinheiro pra aumentar a sua produção , produzir mais , muito mais , e exportar muito mais , porque muitos países dependem de nós
A psicultura esta em falta , esta em Déficit , peixe ta em falta , precisa produzir muiito , muito muito
I've been working at Amels ship yard in the Netherlands for a while, but never seen a yacht like this…..stunning!!
The art work on board is beautiful…..the hostess too!!