Acest trimaran gigant de 40 de noduri este gata să doboare recordul mondial

Acest trimaran gigant de 40 de noduri este gata să doboare recordul mondial

Urmărește această filmare spectaculoasă a maxi-trimaranului Spindrift 2 de 130 de picioare, în timp ce navighează din Franța pentru a patra încercare de a doborî recordul mondial non-stop. Ritmul pe care trebuie să-l îmbunătățească cei 11 echipaj este o viteză medie incredibilă în întreaga lume de 22,8 noduri!


28 thoughts on “Acest trimaran gigant de 40 de noduri este gata să doboare recordul mondial

  1. Beauty is a word that just can not capture the excelleration of your amazing sailcraft! I have viewed many a video and siin the boat at speed launched above the waves showing your central foil slashing through the water.
    I often wondered what is that Bright Signal Red ( daggerboard?) or is it a centerboard……what happened to it when at your speeds it encounters a net or solid floating object ? Do you have a crash box? How long does it take to raise the board and how tall is it above deck when up. Contact Norman Cook

  2. Still the most beautiful and graceful trimaran ever built. I really hope the weather systems line up for Spindrift to take the honours.

  3. What happened to the Schumacher Electric Trimaran? Can't find any info of it online, even though it used to be on the cover of Multihull World and the like!

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